twenty seven

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When we arrived from the landing strip, Lucian basically pulled me into his office. It's been three hours (that would make it 8pm) and I still sat across from Lucian, bored and angry, while he dealt with errands he refused to tell me about. I hated not knowing things but one thing worse than that was not knowing things and being ignored. I know he could hear me, too, because his lips would curl up in amusement at my huffs.

It was only when I moved across the room and sat in a giant bean bag chair that he finally looked at me. Why was there a bean bag chair? I had Xavier buy one that could fit at least four people so I could nap on it.

"Baby, I'm very busy right now," he murmured, looking up from his computer.

"Then why did you tell me to keep you company if you're not going to accept my attention?" I grumbled back, watching his lips purse.

"Because I like you being around me," he replied.

"Well, I'm mad at you for ignoring me so I'm leaving," I retorted and stood up from my bean bag chair with difficulty. "And I'm dividing the bed with the pillows because screw you."

I heard his amused snort in response. "You're joking."

I stuck my tongue out at him and walked out of the room, closing the door and going to our bedroom. I decided to have a quick shower before stealing one of Lucian's giant hoodies and some plaid pyjama pants, shuffling to the bed. With December a mere week away, the temperature dropped like crazy, so I had to switch from just a giant shirt and panties to this cozy fit to sleep.

Just as I began to divide the bed with the giant pillows, the door opened and revealed Lucian slipping through. He chuckled when he saw my actions, taking his shirt off and walking towards the bed.

"C'mon, Mia," he mused, grabbing my ankle. I pulled it away and narrowed my eyes at him. "I'm sorry."

"You said we would do something," I grumbled. "Liar."

"I said tomorrow, love," he responded with a laugh. "What about the cuddles?"

"Shove your cuddles up your ass."

He chuckled again and attempted to pull the pillows away but I only added more.

"Why in the hell do you have so many pillows?" He asked, baffled.

"For moments like these," I responded. "Go back to your work. You seemed much more interested in it than your own awesome, loving, sexy, caring, sexy—"

"I get it, Mia," Lucian chuckled, then handed me the pillows. "Fine. We can sleep with the pillows tonight."

I pursed my lips when silence followed. I knew he was still awake though because he always turns his lamp off before he goes to bed and he had yet to do so.

"So you're not even going to fight for me?" I asked, hearing him snort. His head popped up from behind the pillows. "You're just going to let the pillows win?"

"Am I going to fight against a bunch of pillows you keep randomly pulling out of nowhere?" He asked, grinning. "No. It's clear my love for you isn't enough to not make you divide what our relationship is with some pillows so I'm going to cry myself to sleep knowing my girlfriend chose the pillows over me."

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