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I tossed and turned for literally two hours. By the time I checked the clock, it read 1:30 in the morning. What the hell is wrong with me? Do I need help? Maybe I just need some water since that normally helps me.

I kicked the heavy blankets off of me and shuffled out of the room, walking through the empty halls until I finally found the kitchen. I searched the cabinets for a cup and once I found one, I used the water system built into the fridge to grab some cold water.

Deciding I was hungry, I grabbed some bread and cheese to make a grilled cheese sandwich. As it cooks, I hop on the counter and swing my legs. Normally food helps clear my mind so I could go for a snack, anyway.

"Couldn't sleep?" A raspy voice asked from behind me.

I jumped and turned around, finding a shirtless Lucian leaning against the wall. Before I knew it, my eyes were travelling down his body. I took in the tattoos he has going up one of his arms and across his pecs, whereas his other arm's tattoos just went up his forearm. I slowly moved my attention to his beautiful abs to the pair of grey sweats. I swallowed thickly, eventually looked up to meet his eyes only to find them dark and intense.

"Fuck, stop staring at me like that, Mia," he growled out, crossing his arms and clenching his jaw.

I cleared my throat and nodding, playing with the end of my tank top.

"How're you feeling?" I breathed, beginning to chug my water. I looked away from him and flipped my grilled cheese, hearing its soft sizzle.

"Less drunk," Lucian answered. "I had a shit ton of water so I won't feel it as much in the morning."

I hummed just as I finished my water, grabbing my sandwich and putting it on a plate. I glanced at Lucian to find him still watching me, the hint of a smile on his face. I gave him a confused look.

"You want one?" I asked, taking a bite of my sandwich. He met my curious eyes and slowly nodded, thanking me quietly when I added more butter to the pan, followed by another piece of bread. "I can drive you back to the bar tomorrow to get your car and then I'll head home."

Lucian hummed quietly and I could suddenly feel his presence behind me. After a few minutes, I took his sandwich off of the stove and turned it off, putting the grilled cheese on the same plate as mine.

I went to my move but my eyes widened and mouth went tense when I felt his hand move up to my jaw, tilting it to the side and pressing his lips to it gently.

"Lucian," I breathed out, feeling him take another step closer to my body. "What do you think you're doing?"

He hummed dismissively at my question and nudged my legs apart, pressing his knee against my warming centre. My knees weakened from below me and I gripped the counter, feeling his lips travel down my neck until he sucked harshly on it. It brought an unwanted moan from my lips and I tilted my head back.

That simply action was all Lucian needed.

He effortlessly picked me up and set me on the counter, moving my legs around his waist. I gasped as he pulled me as close as possible, slipping an arm around my waist and moving his hips up.

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now