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I stared at the blank screen, clenching my fist at the unanswered messages on my screen. I ran a hand through my hair and fiddled with the pen in my hand, reading over them.

Mia, please answer me

I just want to make sure you're okay

Amelia... just send me one message please
You're fucking killing me here, Mia

I know I don't deserve it but just hear me out, okay?? Please??

I know I'm pathetic—continuously texting a woman who won't answer a single one of them—but she's been the only thing that's been on my mind for the past week and I'm going to go fucking insane soon enough.

But she doesn't want to fucking talk to me until I explain. Even if I do, I'll just scare her off.

A gentle knock on my door knocked me out of my thoughts and I looked up to find Mia walking in. Her hair was pulled back into a messy low bun, yet somehow managed to look put together neatly. She had on a simple black skirt and silver silk blouse, and holy shit did she look amazing.

"Someone's here to see you," she told me, holding the clipboard to her chest. "He didn't tell me his name but he said he was partnered with the company."

I could feel the blood leaving my face and I sat up straighter. I forgot that today was Friday—again. I fucking hated Fridays. Especially this Friday because of the fucking person I was going to have to face today.

I ran a hand through my hair and nodded. "Send him in."

Sensing my change of attitude, Amelia took a step inside. I was too busy organizing my paperwork to see she had grabbed my wrist to stop me from cleaning everything in my sight. I finally looked away and stared up at her, finding her staring at me worriedly.

"Is everything okay?" She asked genuinely.

"Everything's fine, Amelia," I said, though she could hear the horrible lie easily. "Just send him in."

She raised an unimpressed eyebrow, hesitantly nodding her head and walking out. My eyes followed her out and I stood up when he walked into the office with one other bulky man, making sure to close the door behind him. I made sure to have the room soundproof specifically for days like these when they would get here.

"It's been quite some time since I was in your building," he said, looking around the office while straightening the cuffs of his shirt.

I was still half a head taller than the man in front of me. Kian was a man who was easily able to get people to fear him because of his build and the millions of tattoos. I believe one of the reasons why he disliked me so much was because I wasn't one of them.

"Always nice to see you, Kian," I muttered bitterly, forcing myself not to break his hand when our hands shook. He smirked in a way that proved to me he was already cooking something up in his mind. "What brings you here this time? Normally one of your men are here to take care of business."

"Yeah, well, last month I was short on three kilos so I'm here to make sure it doesn't happen again," Kian simply replied, crossing his arms and tilting his head to the side. "Is that going to be a problem?"

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now