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"It won't even be that bad," I said with a smile, watching from the bed as Lucian decided between two white shirts which look the exact same. "My dad may look scary but I think we both know he's a gentle soul. Besides, the worse thing he'll do is probably punch you in the nose."

He groaned in response, turning to me. "If you're trying to make me feel better, you're doing a shitty job at it."

I chuckled, standing up. I straightened his shirt out and pecked his lips. "He's known you your whole life and he adored you, Luc. This is what you get for hurting his little girl."

Lucian grunted, rubbing my back as I wrapped my arms around him. "Your dad may be kind but he can still be intimidating if he wants to be. I'm not afraid of many things but seeing Kade mad is definitely on the list."

I laughed, looking up at him to find a worried glaze in his eyes.

If you guessed that we're finally having that long overdue dinner with my parents then you guessed correctly. After I stopped at Hayden's place to grab my clothes, the asshole decided to tell my parents and they thought we should all sit down for two hours of absolute hell at a sushi place downtown before they leave. So, when I got back and told Lucian, he began to overreact like a fucking baby. It was hysterical, really.

Now Saturday is here, no one is working, and everyone is getting ready for the dinner that's happening in an hour. I've been ready—Lucian's the one who can't figure out what to wear to impress Dad. It's like he suddenly forgot that our families basically grew up together: Mom and Dad have known each other since high school, Mom and Uncle Jake have been best friends since they started walking. Then there's Hayden who watched both me and Lucian grow up together (and despised us for even talking), and Casey's known me and Lucian for almost fifteen years.

It's a lot to process.

"Everything will be okay," I assured him, buttoning his shirt for him. "You just need to relax. My dad's sort of like a lion—he'll smell your fear."

Lucian narrowed his eyes at me and I chuckled, kissing his cheek once I finished. "You aren't funny."

"I laugh at my own jokes all the time so I beg to differ," I retorted, gasping when he smacked my ass. "Hey..."

"What if he poisons my food?"

"I think he'll refrain for just tonight."

"He could stab me with a chopstick."

"My father held a funeral for a dried up worm, Lucian. Stabbing someone is that last thing on his lifelong bucket list." I pecked his lips. "Besides, you should be more concerned about Hayden, if anything."

Lucian groaned. "Ti prego, uccidimi."

"Enough with that talk," I said, slapping his shoulder. "It'll be fun, Lucian, as long as you aren't so tense."

He slowly grinned down at me, moving his hands around to my hips. "You understood that?"

I shrugged, feeling my cheeks warm up as I looked away. Then, as quietly as possible, I said, "I've been taking some classes."

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now