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"MA! He did it again!"

"I wouldn't have to if you got the good genes of this family. I swear, we all look like this and you ended up looking like... that."

"Hayden Anderson Black! Apologize."

"It's just a napkin."

"You're throwing it on my face, ass-wipe."

Casey shot me a glance and I simply shrugged, pulling Mia away when she tried pouncing at Hayden. He yelped and covered his face, then glared at her. Kade was laughing while Emara had her face hidden in her arms, groaning out loud.

"Kade, deal with your children," Emara muttered bitterly, her voice coming out muffled as she was most definitely on the verge of giving them a piece of her mind.

"Your son's a pussy," Mia grumbled.


"Yeah, well... shut up."

Mia snorted. "Great comeback, Captain Smartass—"

I covered Mia's mouth and she huffed when I stopped her from finishing her sentence, glaring up at me. I raised an eyebrow and shook my head slowly, watching her shoulders slug down as she rolled her eyes. I pulled my hand away slowly and Mia remained silent, eating her dessert with a bitter look in her eyes. I could hear Hayden snickering but Kade threw a piece of chicken at him to shut him up.

"Kade Alexander Black," Emara warned, grabbing his jaw and forcing him to look down at her. "We do not throw things at the dinner table. Is that understood?"

Kade huffed and looked away, crossing his arms. "He was being mean to Mel."

Hayden snorted. "You're supposed to be the adult at this table, Dad."

"And you're supposed to be my favourite child, Hayden, but here we are."

Mia smirked in Hayden's direction and his mouth fell open in shock, shaking his head to himself before finally settling down with a huff.

Mia turned to her father. "What is that supposed to mean? Because he's a man and has more in common that should make him your favourite?"


Emara smacked his head and he chuckled, kissing her head. Mia grunted and rested her head on my shoulder, yawning. I rubbed my thumb along her hip, leaning down to get a better look of her face. She looked fucking exhausted.

"Hey," I whispered to her, watching as her eyelids lifted to meet my concerned gaze. "I think we should start heading home, yeah?"

She nodded her head and smiled gratefully at me. I took that as my moment to stand up, helping Mia to her feet. I could see Emara do the same with pursed lips, immediately opening her arms. Mia walked into her arms and I patiently waited with my hands in my pockets, only taking them out to shake Kade's hand when he stood up.

Kade grinned at me. "I'm trusting you'll care of her, Lucian."

I chuckled quietly, hoping he didn't hear my heart pounding against my chest. "Wouldn't have it any other way, Mr. Black."

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now