twenty five

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After another three days, Lucian was able to use the crutches himself. I stayed next to him just in case he needed assistance, but he seemed much more willing to let me help him rather than Xavier. They'd probably just bicker like a bunch of kids, anyway.

And as for the other activities Lucian had become so used to doing with me...

"Stop eating that hot dog before I fucking lose it."

I looked up at him, my mouth stuffed and small bits of mustard and ketchup against the corners of my lips. I raised an eyebrow while Liam chuckled quietly, rolling the hotdogs around the pan.

"But I'm not..."

"Just listen to the man, Mel," Ren said with a smile, plopping across from me and biting into his burger. "The most you can do is get used to it."

Lucian's going insane and it's absolutely hilarious.

"Yeah, listen to Ren," Ian agreed, finishing his fourth burger. "He knows from experience."

"Can you not tease me about my relationship for one day, ass-wipe?" Ren muttered, his cheeks burning up.

"No, keep going," Xavier spoke up from the fridge, grabbing a case of beer. He set it on the table. "It's amazing how red your face can get from it."

I chuckled and wiped my mouth. "We've been here for two weeks and all you guys have done is tease poor Ren. I think you can cut him some slack for a few days."

Lucian's nose scrunched up with distaste. "Did you just say two weeks?"

"Here we go," I muttered to myself.

"Two fucking weeks," he repeated, no longer questioning it. "Mia—"

"If I suck your dick, will you stop whining?" I interrupted, raising an eyebrow. "Or are you going to keep sounding like a desperate teenager?"

The guys all started to laugh loudly at how dark of a red Lucian's face became, hiding his face with his food and chomping into it. I chuckled, pushing his hair away from his forehead.

"We need to cut your hair, baby," I murmured into his ear.

"I'm not talking to you," he grumbled back but still leaned towards me as I kissed his cheek. "You'll just have to sleep as far from me as possible because you can't touch this masterpiece."

He gestured down to his still beaten-up body with a grin, causing me to snort and raise one eyebrow.

"You look like you were run over by a car and then they reversed back into your body," I told him truthfully. His cocky grin fell. "And you're acting like you're not the one always whining to cuddle in the middle of the night when I try to get some air."

Liam's laughs turned into snorts. "I-It's just rebuttal after rebuttal!" He laughed out, shaking his head.

Lucian glared at me but all I did was innocently smile. I continued eating my hot dog and finished once Liam sat at the table with two plates of burgers and hot dogs.

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now