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I think Mia knew that the second she walked out of my office she'd be asked by employees what took her so long (even though they probably had the answer already) so she decided to bring her work in here. I mean, at this point she didn't care if people were curious because after our few rounds—that was all her, might I add—she decided limping out of my office would only embarrass her.

"Let's go over this again," Mia told me, her legs draped over my lap as we sat on the couch near my bookshelf. I glanced up from my files, raising an eyebrow. "With Kian's guys knowing that I know about the situation-problem you have with Kian's business, he'll either kill me or make me work for him?"

I snorted at how casually she said it. Trust me, it took a lot of talking and her on the verge of bawling from fear to get her to this point of the conversation. Even now, I can feel her feet bouncing around as a way to keep herself from having a meltdown. Having to explain just what I did for Kian was one of the worst things I've had to do; it was fucking brutal trying to keep a straight face when I could see the true sadness as I spoke. I didn't ask to get sucked into this life and trying to get out could cost the life of a family member—that's including Mia's.

"I'll simply tell him that you're working with and for me," I responded, watching her flip through the files I gave her. "If he doesn't listen then he doesn't get his shit, and I know how much that fucking crackhead needs it. I'm the only person who can give him what he wants and the exact amount without putting up a fight."

She frowned and I could feel her grab my hand and kiss my knuckles. It was replaced with a smile when she glanced at my grin before looking away from the papers and meeting my eyes.

"He won't agree to it at first," I made sure to tell her. "He thinks that now that we're dating—"

"We aren't dating."

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Not yet. Anyway, he'll think I'll be more lenient with new rules he wants but I'm not letting him or his stupid goons lay a finger on you, nevertheless let them point a gun on you again. That's the only time they've ever caught me off guard and it's not happening again."

She smiled up at me gratefully and sat up more, pecking my lips quickly. I returned it and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her onto my lap. She rested her head on my chest as she continued reading to herself, rubbing my knuckles with her thumb.

It was still fucking unbelievable to know that I finally had her. Yeah, maybe Mel wants to take it slow but I would rather do that and have her in my arms than try to speed things up and push her away. I can do slow for her. All that I was really glad about was that I finally had Mia in some sort of way, even if it isn't the way I want to have her yet.

I'm so fucking in love, it's ridiculous.

"I think I can handle whatever stupid situation you got yourself into," Mia teased, bringing a hand to the back of my head. I closed my eyes as she scratched my scalp. "I mean, I've dealt with you as an angry drunk once or twice and nothing is worse than that."

I winced, finally opening my eyes and meeting her gaze. She kissed my lips gently and continued reading, making sure I had my arm securely wrapped around her waist. I looked down at her peaceful face and couldn't stop myself from pressing a gentle kiss to her temple, listening to her quiet chuckle.

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now