twenty six

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I cringed as another glass-shattering scream came from Casey, her nails digging into Hayden's forearm as another contraction hit her full force. After a quick hour flight back into Seattle, it took everything in me not to flip out for not driving 200 miles like I had so desperately asked the chauffeur to.

Thankfully, we made it to the hospital not even two and a half hours after leaving the safe house.

"I'm never having kids again!" She cried out, her fingernails drawing blood from Hayden's flesh. The glare she gave him made Hayden visibly pale. "This is all your fucking fault!"

"I know," he replied as calmly as possible with only a little shake to his voice. He's a lot calmer than when Rose was born.

"Go to another fucking woman if you want another kid because it's not gonna be me doing this shit again!" She snapped, tears streaming down her face.

Casey instantly relaxed when her contraction finally passed. Hayden's shoulders fell with relief and he watched her loosen her grip on his hand.

"I didn't mean that," she panted, making him chuckle.

Lucian leaned in down to my ear. "That's going to be you in a few years."

"In your fucking dreams, D'Angelo," I snorted back, cringing at the sounds that came from Casey as another contraction rammed into her.

"It is in my dreams to start a family with you, amore mio," he murmured, nibbling on my earlobe. "Right after I make you my wife."

Heat flooded both my face and between my legs at his words. Goddamnit. The idea of being Lucian's wife did things to me that I didn't imagine possible... but seeing him dressed up in a tux, waiting at the end of the isle for me.
I let out a small breath and straightened my posture, shifting in my seat. Lucian smirked and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Mel, can you go grab some water and an ice pack?" Hayden asked, clenching his jaw at the deathly grip Casey had on him.

I nodded and stood up, rushing out of the room right as another painful wail left my sister-in-law.


Dominik James Davis-Black was born with the darkest hair I've ever seen, just like Hayden's, but grey eyes exactly like Casey's. He was an absolute angel. His labour was a lot worse than Rose's but much shorter, so it only took a total of nine hours before he was born into the world.

Now I need to get the hell out of this room before I start wanting one now.

"Can I hold him?" Lucian asked Casey, his grin growing twice as large when she handed Dominik over delicately.

I had to stop from gushing as Lucian sat back beside me, letting Dominik wrap his small fingers around Lucian's index finger. I could hear him cooing soft sentences in Italian, a peaceful smile on his face at the sounds Dom would make back.

"He's beautiful, Casey," Lucian mumbled. "You're a miracle worker."

Casey chuckled quietly, her eyes still closed while Hayden dabbed a wet cloth on her forehead. They were having their own little conversation while Lucian gushed over Dominik's existence. I watched him carefully, smiling when he would smile at something that baby did.

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