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I paced the bedroom back and forth, continuously running my fingers through my hair as overthinking continued to take over my mind. Mia laid peacefully in our large bed, splayed naked under the sheets as she slept and oblivious to the stress in the room.

I walked out of the bedroom and walked downstairs, going straight to the kitchen. I checked the clock on the microwave at the time.

3:15? Why the fuck am I awake at three in the damn morning when I have a wedding to be at tomorrow? I need a beer. I walked to the fridge and opened it up, then called the first person that always knew what to say.

"What the fuck are you doing awake at 3?" Dad grumbled into the phone. "Do you realize how tired I am after working my ass off all day?"

"I'm freaking out," I whispered back, staring at the counter. "I... I think Mel's period is late. It's been almost a month."

Silence. I pursed my lips and looked at my phone screen to make sure I didn't hang up, narrowing my eyes when I realized that I didn't.

"Sorry about that," Dad suddenly spoke up, "I was having a heart attack over the fact that my son just told me that his fiancée's late. You make me feel so old."

I couldn't help but chuckle and I finished my beer off, putting it beside me. "Should I confront her?"

"What? No. Never do that." I could hear Dad shuffling on his side of the call. "I asked your mother if she was pregnant when she was first pregnant with you. Obviously, neither of us knew it at the time, but she indeed was—she went bat-shit crazy on me, calling me sexist and "such a man for asking that" before crying for ten minutes apologizing for yelling."

"I'm gonna guess that answered the question?"

"Yes it did." Dad chuckled quietly. "Listen, Luc. Amelia's always been a smart girl and you've always been her number three when it comes to telling secrets, just an inch behind Emara and Casey. She will tell you if she is, you just need to give her the time."

I breathed in and ran a hand through my hair.

Mia could be pregnant right now. She could be carrying our baby right now and I wouldn't even know because I never bothered to ask. I might just be overreacting though, too. I mean, I don't really know Mia's cycle so it could have already passed for all I know.

"Thanks, Dad," I said.

"No problem. Are you going to let me sleep now?"

I chuckled and wished him a goodnight, hanging up. Right as I put my phone down, Mia came down the stairs with nothing but the satin sheets trailing behind her. She tiredly smiled and walked to me.

"What are you doing up?" She whispered, resting her head on my shoulder.

"I'm just nervous," I responded, playing with the can of beer.

"About getting married?" Mia asked, turning her entire body to face me. "Are you having second thoughts? Do you not want to marry me because if not it's too late. You already asked and you can't chicken out."

I laughed and wrapped an arm around her waist, kissing her head. "I'm not going to chicken out, Mia. You're stuck with me."

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now