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After work, Lucian and I spent the day chilling around his apartment, eating like pigs and watching movies. By the time we had to actually eat dinner, we decided to just order takeout and talk. If I'm being honest, I found it nice being able to do these kind of things with Lucian—things we never really did before—and I'm glad that we've both matured.

"You want me to drive you back to your brother's tonight?" Lucian asked, stealing another one of my chicken balls and putting it in his mouth.

I thought for a moment, eating another piece of sushi. "Staying one more night won't hurt anyone. Just because we've both had a couple of beers already and I can tell that you're a bit buzzed."

Lucian hummed, clearly unconvinced with my stupid excuse, and pulled me on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he tilted his head back slightly, pecking my lips. I returned it with a smile and Lucian grinned as I kissed his lips over and over again.

"What do you say we go back to the bedroom?" He mumbled, finally getting my attention.

I blushed at the smirk that curled onto his lips, feeling him pull me closer. Just our our lips touched, there was a heavy round of knocks on the door that caused me to pull back. Lucian groaned, putting me back beside him and standing up.

"Per l'amore di dio del cazzo," he muttered under his breath, giving me a quick peck on the lips before jogging to the front door.

The second it opened, a swarm of people rushed in—people being my fucking family. I shot out of my seat immediately as the loud chatter filled the apartment, noticing how Lucian's mouth had nearly fallen open.

"Oh my goodness!" Mom gasped, looking up to meet Lucian's shocked stare. "Lucian, you've grown at least four inches from the last time I saw you."

He opened his mouth, trying to think of what to say, but Mom had already pulled him down to her height, wrapping his arms around her. Lucian hesitantly returned it and glanced in my direction, causing me to shrug my shoulders. When she pulled away after kissing his cheek, she turned and smiled widely when she saw me.

"My baby girl, I've missed you!" Mom exclaimed, her eyes welling with tears as she pulled me to her. I immediately got a sense of comfort and felt my eyes water, closing them as I returned her hug. "I haven't seen you in so long, Mel. I thought you died."

I laughed softly and pulled back, smiling at her. "Well, you found me. What are you doing here? You weren't supposed to come up until the end of the week."

"Your brother called," she replied. "Said how you haven't been home in awhile and was starting to grow nervous."

My jaw dropped and I moved my stare to the door as I watched Hayden and Casey walk in. Hayden eventually met my stare after a moment and froze at the glare he was given, sending me a guilty smile. It wasn't until Mum pulled me out of my glaring trance that I looked away, to find her staring at me with a challenging look.

"Don't blame him for it, either," she told me. "Let's not forget that you have a lot of explaining to do as to why you're here and not there."

My lips parted in shock and I watched as she sat on the couch. Seconds later, I was pulled to a hard chest. I smiled as I immediately recognized my father's cologne, getting on my toes to hug him back. He chuckled quietly and kissed the top of my head, looking down at me with a grin.

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now