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I swirled my drink in its glass as the loud music pounded through the nightclub. I had lost Paige on the dance floor but we agreed to meet each other at the bar whenever we were too tired, and I was starting to get sick of Ethan constantly trying to put a move on me while we danced so I left his ass out there.

Most of the night consisted of me buying drink after drink, going on the dance floor, only to move back to the bar when people would catcall me. I mean, I was wearing something that I thought was nice—it was just a strapless red minidress and a pair of stilettos and a tad of makeup—but after hearing the crude things that men had to say about me all I wanted were my fluffy pyjama pants back.

I already regretted coming out tonight but I had to get out of that house before I went insane. I know I said I would be in contact with Lucian, and I haven't been, but it's taken everything in me not to call him up and hear him out on what's going on. I told him that he would have to be the one to put in the effort this time and I meant it.

"Why are you alone?" A familiar voice slurred. I turned my head and grinned when I saw Paige struggling to sit on a chair, smiling when I helped her. "What happened to that boy?"

"He started getting annoying," I honestly responded, finishing off my drink. "I just need a few more drinks and then I'll be back out there."

Paige nodded her head and rested it on my shoulder. I chuckled, wrapping my arm around her.

"Why did you want to come out here tonight?" She asked me, watching as I finished one of my drinks off. "Is there a man in the picture?"

I didn't look at her, feeling my cheeks warm up. Paige laughed and sat up straighter, crossing her arms. I ordered another drink and hummed as I began to chug it down, feeling the buzz starting to hit me.

"Let's just... let's just go dance," I said to her, standing up and holding onto her for support. "I'll tell you about it tomorrow."

Paige agreed and we walked to the dance floor together. About ten minutes in, the alcohol finally hit me and I felt like I was flying. The room became a blur of colours as I danced and the only thing I could hear right was the music playing through the loud speakers. At some point, some random guy had taken a spot behind me with his hands on my hips, but I honestly didn't care. I wasn't going home with anyone tonight and dancing was harmless.

When his hand tried slipping under my dress, I turned around and shoved him away.

"What the hell's your problem?" He asked, his bloodshot eyes narrowing at me. "Don't act like you weren't just grinding all over me."

I drunkenly snorted. "It was a dance. I don't need some creep trying to get in my pants tonight—or ever, at that."

He grabbed my waist roughly and pulled me to him, holding my jaw. I gagged at the smell of his breath, looking away from him. "I'll be happy to change your mind, lovely—"

"Is there a problem here?"

I looked up at the person who spoke and my eyes widened when I saw Lucian's dark green eyes blazing with anger, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared directly at the man harassing me.

"Nope," the idiot slurred. I could feel him staring at me but I refused to make eye contact. "We were kind of in the middle of something, though, so now there is."

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now