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"Jesus Christ!"

Lucian held my waist with his hands as he guided me down onto his cock, meeting me halfway in powerful thrusts. I moaned loudly, holding behind me onto the dashboard of the car, tipping my head back and biting my lip. With his car seat back as far as it could go, I couldn't exactly grab onto him without leaning forward, so I gripped the dashboard tighter and tighter with each brutal thrust into me.

We originally were going to wait to get back to Lucian's place before continuing what he so rudely started. However, when we got on a quieter street, Lucian pulled over and in a split second his hands were all over me.

"Fuck," Lucian breathed out, his eyebrows pushed together as he watched our hips repeatedly join. I moaned when he grabbed hold of my neck and pulled me down to kiss him. "You like that, Mia?"

I nodded quickly, whimpering as his thrusts began to pick up in speed. He sat up and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me down to his chest as he pounded up into me. Lucian gripped my hair with his other hand, pulling my head back gently to kiss me again.

He was merciless, sucking harshly on my bottom lip while he drove into me. One of my hands clutched his shoulder while the other pressed into the fogging window, moaning into the kiss as I continued to move my own hips up and down, back and forth.

"Oh, fuck," I dragged out, a loud cry leaving my lips when he nestled himself deep inside of me, continuously rolling his hips up to hit my g-spot.

I swear my eyes crossed as an orgasm came crashing in full-force. My body trembled and a loud moan tore from me, falling against his chest as Lucian didn't stop to let me recover. I clenched around him, gasping and whimpering as he pounded away, his heavy breaths fanning against my shoulder as he began to search for his own release.

"O-Oh God," I moaned, gripping his hair tightly.

"I'm almost there, baby," he breathed out to me. I whimpered, shaking my head at him as I could feel my legs quivering. "Don't you dare come, Mia."

My head was buried in his neck as every thrust became faster, his arm tightening around my waist. His breaths were uneven and shaky meaning he was close. I pulled my head back and pressed my lips, trying harder to concentrate on that than the undying need to come as each of Lucian's thrusts deep inside me became brutal, a deep groan falling into the kiss. I clenched around him as I quickly came again, hearing Lucian's low "fuck" right before his hips jerked up and I could feel him fill the condom.

My body slumped against his and I panted heavily, feeling Lucian push my hair off of my shoulder to kiss it. The first thing I did was turn the AC on, along with the defrost. I leaned back as he pulled out of me, leaning over to grab some tissue from the glove compartment. I screamed when the horn went off, causing a loud laugh to erupt from Lucian.

"Shut up," I chuckled, grabbing the small bag of tissues. Lucian took them from my hands and helped cleaning me up, throwing them in a plastic bag he had in the back along with the condom.

"You honestly couldn't have waited until we got to your place?" I asked, slumping back into the passenger seat and letting out a breath.

"No," he responded, kissing my cheek and starting fully starting the car up. He continued driving. "In the last few years we've been..."

Always His | (Book 3) 18+Where stories live. Discover now