twenty nine

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I wasn't surprised that we had security following us. I knew that when Lucian said "just the two of us" it included the guys, but I wasn't complaining too much. I mean, it wasn't the worst thing in the world because I love their company, I just wished that I could do something with Lucian without needing to be under someone else's watch.

"Are you okay?" Lucian mumbled gently to me, pulling me closer to his warm chest when I shivered.

I nodded. "It's just cold."

He frowned down at me but continued walking. I heard him unzip his coat and he pulled me to his chest, closing the coat around me.

"Lucian, I can't see," I chuckled, blindly following his footsteps.

"Are you warm?" He asked. He slipped his arms around my waist.

I smiled. "Very warm. Thank you."

Lucian hummed and I squealed when we took a sudden turn. The sound of a door opened and Lucian took me out of his coat, using his hands to rub up and down my arms.

I looked around and realized it was a simple little diner. The tiled floor was dirty and the mustard yellow walls had stains on them, but it still had a very friendly feel to the place.

"C'mon," Lucian spoke and guided me to a booth, "let's get you something to warm yourself up."

I smiled and nodded in agreement, sliding into the booth. Lucian followed me and wrapped one of his arms around my shoulders, kissing the top of my head. I smiled and closed my eyes, resting my head against his chest.

"Mind if we join?"

Lucian groaned immediately and I opened my eyes to find Liam and Ren sitting down. I smiled and tried to sit up more but Lucian only added more pressure onto my shoulders, keeping me down.

"Hello, happily engaged couple," Liam greeted, stealing Lucian's menu.

"Ian and Xavier didn't want to eat so we thought we'd join," Ren said with a smile. "Hope that isn't a problem."

"It is," Lucian muttered back.

He was earned a nasty glare.

"I'm not kidding," he continued. "I've barely had any time alone with my fiancée since we came here unless it's at night. You wanna know what happens at night? Nothing, because you idiots always wear her out throughout the day and she passes out before she even touches the bed."

We were all snickering as he continued to rant, taking the menu back from Liam at some point.

"Go do your job for this one day," Lucian ordered. He paused. "Please."

"Oh so you do know that word," Ren sarcastically spoke up. He stood from his table with Liam. "I didn't want to eat with you anyway. Only Mel."

"I knew that, fuckface," Lucian grumbled, looking through the menu. "Scram. You're all like a bunch of needy ass puppies when Mia's awake."

Ren huffed but still obliged, being pulled out of the diner by Liam. I chuckled quietly and shook my head, putting the menu back on the table.

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