Sora Nightingale

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Age: 26

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Age: 26

Occupation: Supernatural Huntress

Bio: Born and raised in a small town outside of England she was raised learning about the monsters that hid the the dark. She was quick at learning everything that her father could teach her over the years since she was old enough to start reading and writing. She learnt lots from her father and from other hunters; she would also pay attention to the news whenever the Hellsing name would come up on the news. Sora has a natural curiosity of anything that catches her attention and she will do whatever she can to learn which usually leads to long hours of studying. When she was ready her father would take her out on hunts where they dealt with low class vampires of which her father would eliminate the vampires while she dealt with the ghouls until the vampire was eliminated. Her father was badly wounded during one of those fights thankfully he wasn't turned to a ghoul but ended up in hospital a coma. Whatever money she gets she uses it to pay for her father's medical care. Her favourite weapons to use are her whip and hand gun, her whip was blessed as it was made and the bullets in her gun were made from a blessed cross, silver and mercury. She uses her wires when her opponents are in big numbers or as a last resort. During one of her missions she met the Wild Geese and became like a sister to all of them and keeps in contact with them when she can; to her the Wild Geese are family.

-Whip (picture)
-Hand gun (picture)
-Gloves with wires

-Quick Witted

- Night time
-Wild Geese
-Her father
-Saving anyone innocent
-Eliminating ghouls and vampires
-Hearing about Hellsing
-Working out

- Her father in a coma
-Being underestimated
-Being looked down on
-When she fails to save the innocent
-Alucard taking her job
-Father Anderson

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