Chapter 19

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Sora's P.O.V
Myself and Seras had gotten Integra to a roof top as we stood watching the mayhem from our spot and it wasn't hard to feel the bloodlust...even I had to admit to a degree this scared me.

Seras was shocked seeing the damage that Alucard could do but she looked to Integra. "Shouldn't we be helping him Sir Integra?"

"Just stay where you are and watch Seras; this is only the start to what Alucard is capable of." Integra spoke as she had her cigar and the tone of her voice was commanding to both myself and Seras.

"May I ask Sir Integra? But how long had master been a vampire?" She looked to Integra curiously hoping she didn't step out of line.

Integra sighed softly before she took in a deep breath of smoke and let it out again. "He is the fallen prince of Wallachia...that alone should tell you his age."

I looked up to Integra from where I was kneeling/squatting besides Integra and did the math in my head. "He's over six hundred years old then; no wonder he's hard to kill I can only imagine how many souls he has taken into himself."

Integra chuckled. "Exactly; and he dreams of those memories everyday of his immortal life. I can only imagine what he has seen and had gone through over the centuries."

I frowned thinking of how the odd time Alucard would become lost in his thoughts or when he rested earlier I could hear him from my room cursing as he woke and it hadn't taken him long to come to my room alert but agitated.

"At one point I remember Alucard had woken up and came to my room agitated...I never thought of it too much; but I think of it now it would make sense. I can only imagine the hell he has gone through from his human life to his vampire life...all the way from the start till now all those memories are his personal hell. We all have our own personal hells...some people just have it harder then the next person." I spoke seriously and shivered when I caught a glimpse of something or more like someone jumping from a blimp and landing where Alucard would be and the shining pages only showed Anderson was there standing face to face with Alucard.

I shivered when Alucard yelled out to Integra for his orders that both myself and Seras tensed both ready and willing to fight as well but Integra kept myself and Seras besides her and I could feel Alucard releasing to his full power...I could see his powers and what I saw truly looked like hell to me when hundreds of soldiers and people came from Alucard.

I frowned recognizing the markings and shivered as I knew who those people use to be...they had at one point been Alucard' that was wrong; he was Dracula the original vampire as I used my vampire sight I could see Alucard more clearly.

I smirked when I saw the Iscariot dog that had gone crazy was now on a spike as I stood and looked to Integra and Seras before we headed down to Alucard once it was safe. I landed easily and just behind Integra but besides Seras as we let Integra step ahead of us.

I loved the look on Alucard he looked like a knight...or maybe the hand of the devil or even the devil himself. I couldn't keep a playful smile off my face as Seras looked to me curiously before I let her hear what I was thinking.

Seras was surprised but smiled softly nodding her head in agreement when Integra stepped aside to let Seras see Alucard and she gasped when Alucard touched her head and ruffled her hair smiling like a proud father.

I smiled seeing the happiness and bond between them and gasped softly when he pulled me against him and gave me a loving kiss. "I missed you Alucard."

"I'm sorry my love; you and Seras have done well with protecting our master and home. This isn't over yet please keep alert...I will keep my word if it comes to that problem." Alucard spoke softly but seriously.

I smiled nodding my head and moved back as Alucard and Anderson started fighting. "Seras! Let's get Integra to safety!"

"Right!" Seras took Integra with her as I followed closely and was alert for danger as we got away from the fight so we wouldn't get dragged into the fight so easily.

I returned to squatting besides Integra and Seras and smirked when I felt a couple bags of blood in my pocket and chuckled knowing Alucard gave it to me for myself and Seras. "Seras." Tossing her a bag and saw her smile as we both fed it helped to replenish some of our strength after fighting earlier.

I finished my blood quickly and saw Integra smirk. "Sorry the fight with that German woman took a bit out of us both."

"That's understandable you did what you needed too...did you take anyone into yourself Sora?" Integra looked to me curiously.

I frowned as earlier during the fighting the second in command had saved me from getting hit with  bullets. I had gotten ticked but at that point in the fight I had already been wounded when I had got sent flying and debris cut me when a bomb had gone off. The second in command had been fatally wounded and had made me fed from him since aside from myself and Pip...only myself and the second in command worked better together and now we were a team forever.

I looked to Integra seriously and nodded my head before looking to Seras knowing Pip would be hearing it as well. "Yes the second in command had protected me from a bomb; he took the brunt of it but I had been hurt as well. He was dying and had made me feed from we are a team."

"Well done you two; you two are strong women and draculina's...when the time for us to fight comes do not hold back. This time they will pay for all the innocent lives they had destroyed since they started this Last Battalion; make your master and mate proud you two." Integra spoke with pride and confidence causing myself and Seras to smirk and both nodded our heads.

"Yes Sir Integra!" Both myself and Seras speak at the same time smiling and we both saw the smirk on Integra's face.

I smirked looking to Seras's shadow arm and snickered seeing a light and heard Seras mentally grumbling as myself and the second in command were trying to contain our amusement. I frowned when I heard Alucard yelling at Anderson and frowned looking and paled seeing the nail.

"Sora what is that thing that Anderson has? You and master both seem to know what it is?" Seras looked to me curiously.

I was ticked. "That nail will be his nail in his coffin...when he shoves it into himself probably his heart Anderson will no longer be a human but he will be a monster. And only a human can defeat Alucard...not the monster that Anderson will become." I watched the fight but I could tell that Alucard was ticked but at the same time hurting in a way.

Anderson was his rival but Alucard had never thought that Anderson would drop this try and kill Alucard. I looked towards Alucard and knew he becoming beyond ticked off and I silently cursed not liking it. I looked to Integra as we made eye contact I could tell without reading her mind that she was just as worried as I was...but we worried for Alucard.

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