Chapter 7

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Alucard's P.O.V
He watched as Sora was cleaning her hand gun seeing just how thorough she was. He smirked at her response to saying that she needed to keep her weapons clean for her job.

"You do a better job then what I have seen many of the humans here. The only ones who tend to their weapons are us vampires, Integra and Walter."

Sora smiled softly. "I learnt long ago to keep my weapons clean; in battle every second counts and you need to be able to rely on your weapons in battle."

Sora looked to her phone and Alucard saw that Hospital was coming across it as she picked it up and spoke he saw the woman pale as he got up and held her in place till she hung up and saw Sora break down shaking.

"What's wrong Sora? Why was the hospital calling?" Alucard remembered that Integra and Walter said Sora's father was in hospital.

Sora was shaking hard and Alucard moved carrying the female to her bed as he sat and held her on his lap as she clung to him. "Sora."

Sora was taking deep breaths trying to calm herself but her anger and fear was through the roof not noticing that she had started crying. "M-my father...h-he's m-missing." Sora chokes out as she broke down crying.

Alucard held Sora against himself he didn't know why he wanted to keep her safe from anyone that dared to threaten her; but knew that she could also protect herself. He listened to her as she cried and gently rubbed her back and looked up when Walter had come to bring her meal and had froze seeing the female crying.

"Leave it on her table Walter." Alucard spoke Seeing Walter looking worried.

"What has happened Alucard?" Walter spoke as he placed her food on her table.

Alucard looked to Sora seeing that she nodded her head. "Her father has gone missing from the hospital."

Walter froze and he looked to Sora. "I'll let Integra know immediately; we'll find out who it was Sora. That's an attack on you; and in return it's an attack on Hellsing."

Sora nodded her head as she was shaking still and felt Alucard holding her against him. "Why? He was in a coma; he hasn't been awake in a long time. What use would anyone have for him?!"

Alucard listened hearing her voice getting angrier and frustrated. "Do you know anyone that could have gone after him?"

"No I don't; basically anyone back then I had connections too is gone. The vampire that did that to him is gone; I killed that vampire. The Wild Geese are the only main connection I have from a couple years back no one else. I'm basically alone." Sora spoke she was grateful that currently she wasn't alone.

Alucard looked to her. "No one is alone in this mansion; no matter what you have a family here that will have your back. Rest for now."

Sora shook her head. "I'm glad I'm not alone for now...but I can't rest I need to finish cleaning my weapons."

"I'll finish it for you; but you do need to rest you have been awake all night and need sleep for tonight. We'll be getting ready for the mission." Alucard spoke as he saw Sora get up.

"Thank you Alucard." Sora went to go take a hot shower to relax and Alucard cleaned her guns for her.

Alucard listened as it didn't take him long and was finished with her guns and other weapons before Sora came out and he went to his room.

Sora's P.O.V
When I came out after my shower I was still upset about my father missing and I saw Alucard gone before I laid on my bed and curled up in a ball under my covers.

I couldn't stop worrying about where my father was that I was having a hard time to fall asleep as I moved back and fourth.

After about an hour of tossing and turning I sat up cursing softly before I felt that I wasn't alone and gasped when I felt Alucard make me lay down.

I looked to see him with his eyes closed and I couldn't help but cuddled into him relaxing slowly till I fell asleep when I felt him rubbing circles on my back till I was fully asleep.

Integra's P.O.V
Integra was in her office and looked up when a knock sounded on her office door. "Enter!"

Walter walked in once she let him and closed the door before he slightly bowed in respect.

"What is it Walter?" Integra asked as she put her cigar out.

"I just came from giving Ms.Nightingale her supper to find her with Alucard distraught. Her father who is in a coma has gone missing from the hospital she just received the call." Walter spoke as he looked to Integra.

Integra froze and she frowned as she got ticked. "Walter find out which hospital he was at and any possibility of how some one could have snuck him out of the hospital."

"Yes sir." Walter bowed and left to go do as Integra asked of him.

Integra was ticked that someone innocent got dragged into this battle. It wasn't someone she was close with but it was another hunter and father now to one of those she hired to work for her.

She was curious about the Nightingale family as she sat back and opened a drawer in her desk looking through folders that her father had left for her about those families that were hunters themselves.

She found the Nightingale family folder and took it out reading about their family and seeing pictures of the members stopping when she found a picture of a young Sora surrounded but a few other hunters and one she watched closely obviously her father.

Integra took out the file reading about Sora's father and she was surprised when she noticed that Sora's father could also use the wires and had passed the technique to his daughter. Integra frowned wondering why Sora has called her father her dawned on Integra that to Sora who only had her father that was her best friend.

Integra grabbed her phone and called Walter who answered in his room. "Walter the friend that Sora told us about is her father; he was the one that taught her those wires."

Walter was shocked and he started bringing up Sora and her father's information reading it and frowned. "I found the information my lady; your right he did teach those wires to his daughter. All they have left is one another; according to this Sora's father has been in that hospital around five years in a coma after one of their missions. Sora has taken her father from the fight scene where the vampire had been killed brutally but there was no evidence of who did it."

Integra listened over her phone and she wondered if Millenium was apart of his disappearance. "Keep looking; see if at any point they may have gotten Millenium's attention. Something tell's me that Millenium is behind this disappearance."

"Yes ma'am I will let you know if I find out anything else." Walter hung up a small smirk on his face as he knew that Millenium was indeed behind this.

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