Chapter 12

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Sora's P.O.V
I was grateful I didn't use any of my weapons aside from my wires but we also got a chance to rest and I was stretched out on a bed as Pip and Seras had gone out and I smiled softly.

"What's got you smiling my dear?" Alucard spoke as he sat on the side of the bed watching me.

"Oh that I'm going to tease Pip later when they get back. I mean I don't know if you have noticed but Pip is so taken with Seras and she's taken with him. Pip's a flirt big time but; he's different around Seras he's so crushing and I'm going to have teasing him." I giggled.

Alucard chuckled. "You seem to get along with Pip and his men."

"Their...their the first people I ever really let in since my father was put in a coma. Pip knows about my father in a way; Pip became like a big brother along with the rest of the men. No matter where we are we try and find time to talk to one another to make sure we're alright; it was actually Pip who made sure I kept up on my combat and my weapons."

Alucard had been listening and thought how they all reacted to one another and smiled softly. "All lonely souls that were brought together by a chance of fate."

"Fate? I don't know how much I would believe in fate; things happen for a reason." I removed my weapons off myself for a bit as we had to think of a way to leave Rio without being caught.

I sat up when I heard Seras and Pip return talking about things when I heard Pip speak up.

"And we can't leave those boxes behind either?" Pip spoke curious.

Alucard smirked appearing and sitting on his coffin. "This is where I was born and this is where I will die; so no it will not be left behind."

I sighed softly as I joined them in the room and went over my weapons doing another cleaning on the knives. "So then how the hell do we leave without being caught by the enemy?"

Pip sighed softly. "The only way would be to take a plane." He looked up when he heard Seras gasp and frowned. "What is it?" Seeing the blonde girl shaking.

I went to move and gasped as I grabbed my weapons just barely ducking as the door to our room got sent flying both Seras and Pip barely ducked and I drew out my hand gun the same time that Pip brought up his gun.

I saw a priest with blonde hair, tall as Alucard, tan skin, piercing green eyes with a scar on his chin. 'Any idea who this is Alucard?'

'This is Father Anderson from Vatican Section Thirteen; he's a regenerator your bullets would have the least amount effect you would be better with your wires even if it's just to shield you three. Stay back Sora.' Alucard spoke to myself mentally but the smile and feeling coming from Alucard was saying he loved fighting Anderson.

Seras was shaking in fear before she moved aiming her gun and gasped barely dodging a blade that went flying her way.

I went into action and made a barrier to protect the rest of us from any further attacks from Anderson and I saw him pin a paper to the wall and read it.

"Get outta here; there's a private plane waiting for you's there. Bloody vermin." Anderson left and I quickly dropped my barrier and sighed softly as I moved grabbing the paper.

"Well let's get going; the sooner we're gone the better." I moved grabbing my things as quickly as I could and saw the others get ready to leave.

Once we made sure we had everything we took a car and abandoned it and entered the airport where there was indeed a plane waiting. "Where are we going?"

"I'll call Integra as soon as we're in the air." Alucard replied as we loaded up and I let the pilot know we were ready to take off. I playfully glared at Pip and Seras who made me sit with Alucard but at the same time I didn't mind.

I noticed Alucard was relaxed as I hated the take off and heard Alucard chuckle.

"Don't like flying Sora?" He had his cocky grin on his face.

"I don't mind flying I just hate take off and landing. Weren't you going to call Integra?"

"I did say that." Alucard took his phone out when it was safe and called Integra.

I could hear Integra speaking to him seriously hearing something about the queen which made me curious. As I looked back to Pip in front of me since we were all facing each other I lightly kicked his foot and smirked seeing the playful glare I got and I looked between Pip and Seras as I had a Cheshire grin on my face.

Pip blushed darker then a tomato when he realized what I was implying and moved my leg when he tried to kick me which I had to hold back my laughter.

Seras was eventually moved into her coffin for safety reasons and Pip and myself were playfully arguing till he gave and took out a deck of cards smirking.

"You up for a game of Black Jack Cher? Or will you finally admit that I'm better then you."

I smirked. "No getting cocky Pip; I'm in." I took the new cards and I shuffled the deck a couple times and watched Pip as he shuffled them once as well to make sure neither of us would try to give ourselves good hands.

"No trying to cheat Cher; I'll see it if you do." Pip smirked a little.

I chuckled as I dealt our cards. "Me cheat? I only do that when you or the guys start cheating against me in a game. Just remember I do it better."

Alucard got off the phone after half an hour and he had been watching Pip and myself playing each other.

"We're going to visit a very special person once we land." Alucard finally spoke up a smirk on his face as he relaxed back in his seat as I won another round of Black Jack.

I was curious as I watched Pip shuffle the cards. "Who are we going to see?"

"We're going to meet the queen; I have to give my report to her majesty."

"Your report? Why would you do that? I thought Integra was your master." Pip spoke and shivered in fright and nervousness when Alucard chuckled darkly.

"Integra is my master; but the queen is also aware of who I am. The last time I saw her she was just a young girl herself; I do believe she was just starting out on the throne. Humans are so odd; but...they also age where I will never age I can only watch those humans around me die."

I looked to Alucard as myself and Pip finished playing our last game and I looked to Pip Seeing the look on his face we both knew that death was inevitable in life. Pip nodded his head that he was going to rest and I smiled softly waiting till he was quiet before I spoke.

"Your right; humans age and die...but things change lots for us over the years. It's why so many humans live their life's to the edge or that they may die the next day; other humans just work themselves so hard that their lives are gone before they even get a chance to truly live. Hunters and mercenaries we know what we're getting into; we all work in dangerous lines of work. We can be killed in so many ways wether it's by a monster or by a gun or knife from a human enemy we all die but we're not scared. Doing what we do is living our life's to the edge and seeing places many other people may never see."

Alucard frowned as I spoke and I gasped blushing darkly when he made me sit on his lap and he was nuzzling my throat. "I will turn you if you cannot continue on as a human. You are not allowed to die on me for that?"

I sighed softly and gently ran my fingers through his hair. "I won' depends on where I will be stationed. Back at the mansion or guarding Integra on the battle field; either way I'm going to be in harms way."

"I know and there is a chance that I could loose you and not be able to save you in time. For once in my undead life there is something I truly do fear." Alucard spoke as he held me close but I could feel him shaking a little; for the first time the man that seemed so unshakable was shaking in fear for someone like me.

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