Chapter 14

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Sora's P.O.V
"What do you mean do what others cannot? Like the Hellsing family made you invincible or something?" I was curious but trying to wrap my mind around what he said.

"No I can still be killed just not to easily; it's not easy anyways with the amount of souls that I have taken into myself."

"Right I forgot; for every victim that a vampire kills they take the soul of the human into them unless the human is turned into a vampire of which then that vampires soul is said to be damned." I spoke and felt Alucard nuzzle me as I blushed but knew this was due to the fact that we're mates.

I noticed that Alucard had become a little more protective after he revealed that we're mates and it made me wonder how he managed to keep himself sane over the centuries.

"What's on your mind my queen?" Alucard spoke as he lifted his head looking to me.

"Nothing...just wondering how during the time you were awake over the centuries; how did you manage to stay sane with being alone all the time I would have lost my mind." I moved to get dressed but I could still hear Alucard.

Alucard chuckled softly and he held me back against his chest as he did. "I caused much blood sheds for years my love; I killed both the innocent and the guilty to become as strong as I have. When Abraham caught me he locked me away and over the years the family before Integra experimented on me so I would also remain loyal to the family. In all my years I never believed that I would have found you; now cause of me finding out that your my mate your life has become so much more dangerous."

"With the enemies that you have; I know where your coming from Alucard. And...if anything happens to the point I can't continue my life as a human then you have permission to turn me to a vampire." I blushed when he grinned understanding that I was still pure and I playfully rolled my eyes and pinned him to the bed giggling.

Alucard purred softly as he flipped pinning me and once again nuzzled my neck but I could sense that it relaxed him. "Only I'm allowed to turn you Sora; I can live with the conditions that you have chosen. I know you want to be a human for as long as you can; this is war that we're going into and there is a good chance that you could be harmed or worse...the only three people who's lives that are more valuable then mine are you, Integra and Seras and I suppose Walter but he has his pride as a former hunter."

I looked to Alucard frowning softly. "No Alucard, your just as much needed as the next person. It was you who saved Integra that day correct? It's you and Walter that have been loyal to her all these years and have been making sure that she doesn't stumble. Myself, Seras, Wild Geese, and those that serve here are all valuable here on these grounds. We know what we're getting ourselves into and the risk of death is always high; but if it stops another family or innocent person from living in fear of the dark then we're willing to lay our lives down."

"I don't want to loose you Sora; the only two people that I will truly lay my life down for is you and Integra. But no one can calm me down like you can my love; you don't know how much I want to take you away and hide you till all this fighting is over. I never want to see a drop of your blood hit the ground and yet I need to find your father." Alucard looked at me but the look in his eyes was different then I had ever seen.

We moved so we were laying on our sides face to face. "Your right I do need to find my father but I can't do it alone; you know Millenium from back then and what the know these freaks that their making. I'm a quick learner as well as The Wild Geese; the more you can tell us the better for us that means we can be prepared for whatever they may come up with next."

Alucard chuckled softly closing his eyes as he held me close to him. "I'll soon be leaving to do the next mission alone on the sea; till then I'll need you to guard Integra alright? I'll tell you what I can about Millenium; they have been around since World War 2. They are Nazi's and back then just like now they were making chipped freaks that both myself and Walter put to and end that day. The damage was massive back then many people died and many places destroyed there was even a werewolf if I recall correctly; and without a doubt that wolf is probably still alive and still working or being used by Millenium."

I listened but was shocked. "A werewolf? But their species I thought was long thought extinct...there has been no sightings of werewolves in many years."

"He was and probably still is the captain; he's been working for Major and their crazy doctor it makes me wonder..."

"If they chipped him? It would be the only way I can see them truly controlling him. If what your saying is true and their the Last Battalion then maybe this time...maybe he truly wants to die and I wouldn't blame him. But...I've never thought I would be dragged into war; I know there is a chance many of us will not make it through this battle and I don't know how I will be able to deal with all of this."

Alucard's P.O.V
Alucard sighed as he held Sora against him and he could hear her heart racing and it brought a small smile to his face but he knew that it was more then just embarrassment it was also fear that she would die and loose those she grew close too.

He gently moved his fingers through her hair as he held her hoping that maybe she would rest. "If it comes to it then I'm turning you before this war begins; there is no god damn way I will allow you to die."

Sora sat up to look me in the eye and he could see the look in her eye that was basically saying she would argue that statement and when she went to speak he brought her closer and kissed her finding amusement when he heard her heart racing at his actions and when he pulled back her face was darker then his jacket and he chuckled.

"I must admit I love seeing that blush on your face my queen; knowing your heart races that fast from my actions." Alucard's eyes glowed in amusement.

Sora had been shocked when she gone to argue and Alucard had stolen her first kiss but it didn't help anymore knowing she was blushing darkly and he would be able to hear her heart racing so fast that even she thought that her heart would come flying out of her chest.

"Y-you don't play fair you know that." Sora was blushing darkly and his her face against Alucard's chest who was chuckling at how shy she was all of a sudden.

"Only when I know it will give me amusement at seeing you blush Sora. Try to rest you need every bit you can get right now." Alucard held her and watched as she cuddled into him giving him a playful glare.

"Well since your being bossy your not going anywhere; and this is payment for making me blush." Sora spoke before she closed her eyes to fall asleep against Alucard which thankfully didn't take long till Alucard could hear Integra mentally calling him to her office.

Once he was sure Sora wouldn't wake he laid her down and left using his powers to go to Integra's office seeing her frowning and another file on her desk.

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