Chapter 16

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Sora's P.O.V
I don't know what it was today but I was on edge as we walked to Integra's office. Hearing her let us in I followed behind Alucard as myself and him stood in front of her desk; I could see that Walter was busy making her some tea as we were talking.

I could understand that Alucard and herself would be comfy with me as a vampire for multiple reasons but I wanted to deal with my father myself. I was tense and alert and noticed Alucard was also alert looking for danger.

Integra noticed but as she moved the file so I could look I saw a glint in the moonlight and cursed as myself, Alucard and Walter flew into action guarding Integra.

I could see a sniper in the distance as I went to draw my gun I fired off a couple rounds and coughed up blood when I felt pain in my chest.

"Sora!" Alucard cursed as the enemy had escaped and he moved cradling me close to him. "Her lungs two shots she won't make it."

Integra had been shaken as I had just got her to Walter moments before I got shot. "SAVE HER ALUCARD!"

I passed out as Alucard took me to his room and bit me turning me to a vampire and as he did my body started healing itself.

Alucard's P.O.V
He noticed that Sora had been alert and tense since they had left to the upper floors. What he didn't expect was for the enemy to have a sniper waiting; they hadn't aimed at Integra it had been a trap meant to kill Sora.

Watching the newly turned vampire resting in his bed he could see that her wounds had healed thankfully the bullets had gone straight through. He had heard Pip and Seras come down to check on her moments after he finished turning Sora.

Pip had been royally ticked that she had been fatally wounded to the point she had to be turned. He had taken his group and they ran perimeters with Seras's help and checked camera's which had suspiciously went down in the area at the exact time the shooting had happened.

Integra and Walter had come down as well Integra hadn't been wounded thanks to Sora moving her out of harms way just in time.

Integra looked to the male vampire seeing the exhaustion and knew he was also protective and worried for his queen. "Let me know when she's awake and ready to see people; I'm sorry Alucard I knew you wanted her to choose when she got turned."

"She knew that there was always a chance that she would be turned before the war. I know we were talking about it; has anything else be found about the shooter?" Alucard was sure that it was Millenium's handy work again.

"Not yet; once we find something I'll let you know. I hope she wakes before you leave for your mission." Integra started leaving with Walter following.

Alucard knew the moment that Sora was becoming aware of her surroundings and a ghost of a smile appeared on his face. "She will be master." He waited till it was really only himself and Sora before she gently brushed her hair out of her face. "Will you soon be waking my queen?"

Sora's P.O.V
I could hear Alucard and knew through out the day people were coming and going but Alucard stayed near me the entire time.

I heard him ask when I would be waking and nuzzled into the hand that was on my cheek hearing a soft chuckle of amusement as I was tiredly waking up.

Alucard had found it amusing when I nuzzled into his hand but when I opened my eyes I could see the relief on his face but my throat was on fire and I moved to sit up as Alucard moved as well to sit behind me and support me against his chest.

"How long have I been out? What happened? I remember pain and you yelling my name...then nothing." I cringed when I felt the pain in my throat.

Alucard sighed softly as he bit his wrist and the smell of his blood was making me crave it and I easily fed from Alucard as I heard him start talking.

"You were shot twice in the lungs Sora; we know that Millenium had a hand in it. Sadly the wounds were fatal and you were fading quickly; Integra made the call and I turned you my queen you have been asleep all day. With you now drinking my blood the master and servant bond isn't there no more I'm grateful that at least you fed I need to train you some and Seras will help out as well."

"What do I need training on? You know I'm good with my weapons in any form."

Alucard chuckled. "As a human yes you were good but as a vampire you know that our strength and senses are different. You will need some training but not too much."

I sighed softly but relaxed against Alucard noticing how closely he was holding me and I rested my hands over his arm and felt his arm relax. "When do we start?"

"Once the others see that your alive; you may have a little trouble with the humans but three of us can stop you from wanting to feed. You should be alright though."

I moved and looked around seeing it was his room that I was in; the lowest level in the basement. "I'll be alright but...I know you'll keep me from loosing it."

Alucard smiled and followed Sora to her room where he waited on her bed as she had gone to shower.

I had to get the old blood off of me and the warmth of the shower felt good on my skin. I noticed that I didn't even have any markings left from being shot and was curious  but remembered that usually many vampires heal fully from minor wounds and I thought to talk to Alucard about it later.

I closed my eyes as I let the water run over me as I relaxed and thought back to being shot earlier in the day if I could calm my thoughts maybe I could see if I had caught what my shooter looked like.

Alucard's P.O.V
As Alucard waited for Sora he watched her mind and joined her he too wanted to see if she had seen her shooter. By joining his mind to her's he could see but when he bit and turned her he made the mating bond and she completed it by feeding from him.

Alucard kept calm and let Sora feel that calm as she relaxed and watched her memories when they found the memory and Sora had concentrated on it.

She had indeed seen her shooter but the vision was blurry at the moment and Alucard pulled his mind back.

He looked up after a bit when Sora walked out dressed and he gave her a bag of blood seeing that she was pale again since she was young she needed to drink a fair amount of blood since he knew her body needed to finish the minor healing.

"Why am I so hungry for?" She spoke as she walked around getting her gear on her.

"Your still healing whatever was on those bullets was meant to keep you down even when you were turned."

Sora froze and she looked to Alucard. "It was them again; Millenium never knows when to give up do they?"

"No they don't and now I see that." Alucard opened the door once she was fed and walked to Integra's office where everyone was together and talking when himself and Sora walked in.

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