Chapter 2

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Sora's P.O.V
I smiled seeing the shocked looks and chuckled softly. "Better close those mouths gents; unless your trying to catch flies then by all means leave them open." I showed myself as I walked over. "What no greetings?"

Pip looked shocked to see me and he chuckled getting up and gave me a hug. "What brings you here Cher? You got a job?"

"Yeah helping out to kill monsters; we'll talk later so shush." Taking his seat and heard the chuckles as we listened to Integra talk when I felt another presence with us making me look to my right seeing a female vampire enter the room.

It wasn't hard to tell that she was a vampire she still had her human coloured eyes which was rare unless she hadn't fed and still had the bond to the vampire who turned her. I looked at Pip started laughing and sighed sliding my chair back. "Pip? I wouldn't do that; she's a young vampire."

"No way this girl? Is she's a monster then I'm Frankenstein's monster!" Pip started laughing with the men and it didn't help the young vampire was very shy which was odd.

I saw her look to Integra. "I think their laughing at me Sir."

"Then do something about it Police Girl." Integra commanded

I shook my head getting ready to catch Pip as I saw the female flick his forehead causing blood to run as he flew and I moved catching him with ease as he sat on the floor.

"No way! Th-That girl she just; she poked my forehead! She's a vampire?!" Pip yelled shocked before deep male voice rang into the room.

"Police Girl May be the lowest of vampires; but she is indeed a real vampire." A tall male in a red coat and hat spoke his fangs showing as he grinned.

I shivered a little feeling the power coming off of him as I tended to Pip and kept my guard up around the male vampire. "Who are they Sir Integra?"

Walter came running in. "I'm sorry sir I tried to stop him."

"It's alright Walter." Integra then turned to look at me. "This is the head vampire Alucard, and the other is Seras Victoria his fledgling."

I was amazed I knew that Hellsing only had one vampire and looked between them. "Pleasure."

"Now that introductions are out of the way; a letter came for you Sir Integra." Walter handed her a letter.

Integra glared at the letter as she opened and read it. "Iscariot; it's Maxwell. Walter please show them where their staying and bring me a tea afterwards."

Walter bowed as the rest of us were catching up and I was teasing Pip before we followed behind Walter.

Alucard's P.O.V
Alucard was curious as he saw a female with the Wild Geese and he smirked seeing how alert she was. But her red coloured eyes is what caught his attention; they were alert, observing and learning.

Alucard had Seras go do some rounds before she wound train for awhile. Alucard went to Integra's office and entered as usual without knocking.

"What do you want Alucard?" Integra spoke as she sat at her desk her voice.

Alucard smirked having removed his glasses and hat before he had come to her office. "I'm curious about the human female with the mercenaries."

Integra sighed softly leaning forward as she watched the vampire and showed Sora's information. "She's used to being a solo hunter; her father is in a coma in hospital and from what she said she met the Wild Geese on one of her solo missions. What's caught your attention about her?"

"Those eyes; the way she was thinking. She was observing the entire time and she sensed Seras where those other humans did not; she could sense my power even though I had it suppressed." Alucard spoke but he smirked. "Only a strong hunter would be like that."

Integra listened and thought about what Alucard thought. "I'm going to test her in the training maze along with the Wild Geese; I'm going to have them work together for obvious reasons. But there's more that your not saying; what is it?"

Alucard chuckled he knew Integra could be demanding. "She's my blood singer; my mate."

Integra looked shocked and she sighed mentally cursing to herself. "She's worked alone for a long time since her father ended up in hospital; she's got a long record."

Alucard looked to the information reading it and smirked. "She's the second person to use wires; uses a whip no doubt blessed and a hand gun. She's skilled to make this many kills and have this many missions for just her age; she's aiming for something."

"Maybe; she even killed the vampire that critically harmed her father. It doesn't say but after she gave this report she went on her own. She's been doing her job and staying out of the way of us bigger groups; but also keeping an eye on our movements."

Alucard chuckled. "She's an interesting one that's for sure." He looked back when Walter knocked before walking in with tea for Integra.

Integra relaxed. "Thank you Walter. I take it they all settled in."

"Yes ma'am; their all getting settled in before they head out to somewhere to eat. I believe they said they were all going to rest for a bit first. Sir; I'm sure you noticed that Sora looked more tired then the rest she apparently hasn't rested in about twenty six hours and counting." Walter spoke as he served Integra her tea before standing at her side.

"I noticed; hopefully she'll rest better now. She'll know we're watching the area at all times; I think they'll all make good assets to the team; pay them what they want and they'll be loyal the whole time." Integra took a bit of her cigar as she release a cloud of smoke.

Alucard smirked. "I believe you were talking about a mission in Rio; why not have them all help us move what we need to Rio. There's two more people that can go with to help annihilate the enemy that is there from the inside."

Integra smirked having the same idea. "Your right; I'm going to send Sora and Pip with you's as well. They can work behind the scene and get rooms at a different hotel from yourself and Seras. Actually your going to look like a millionaire who's suppose to be there on vacation. Pip and Sora are to pretend to be your body guards they'll drop you both off get what you need inside and then they will take their leave to their hotel. We only have to figure out how to move Seras since she refuses to drink blood."

Alucard knew that Seras was refusing to drink blood which was starting to ware on his patience but at the same time he knew it was only a matter of time before she drank and became a true vampire. "So long as she stays in her coffin she can be shipped across to Rio with the rest of us. Put us on a private plane to Rio after that we'll find a way to get out of the area ourselves. Once we find a safe spot we'll get a hold of you Integra."

Integra sighed softly as she thought about what Alucard said and weighed her options. "That can work; your orders will be simple Search and Destroy none of our enemy is to walk out of there alive!" She stood slamming her hand against her desk causing both Alucard and Walter to smirk.

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