Chapter 4

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Alucard's P.O.V
Alucard smirked feeling Sora's gun aimed at his heart and he could see she was worried but at the same time not afraid. He saw that look once long ago when he first met Integra when she woke him and chuckled to himself.

"You truly are something else Ms.Nightingale; this will be fun." He left back to his room and could hear Sora sighing in relief as he sat on his throne having another bag of blood and smirking softly.

Sora was truly someone worthy of being by his side; it made him curious how she fought he had a feeling she had a way she fought and sometimes sticking to a certain fighting style was good but now she would have to be able to change tactics on the fly in a fight.

Alucard listened to Sora and could hear clicking in her room as he watched through the shadows he could see Sora sitting at her table cleaning her guns and weapons.

Sora's P.O.V
I was cleaning my weapons finding it relaxing before I would go to bed. I learnt long ago that every second in battle counts; when weapons were kept in top condition they have a less chance of failing you.

I thought back to when I had been in a fight with a vampire my gun had failed thankfully I had other weapons and it was my wires. I had used my wires to finish the fight and since then I doubled more on cleaning and oiling my weapons.

I looked when I heard a knock. "Enter." I saw Pip walk in and take a seat. "What's up?"

"Decided to come talk to a friend; I wonder what you think about working here for Hellsing." Pip sat down and watched as I worked on my weapons.

"It's an honour I suppose; their family have been hunting the supernaturals for decades...well over a hundred years. I know many people die working for them many lives are being saved for every evil creature killed?" I looked to Pip. "Mercs do jobs that pay well and so long as they keep getting paid nicely they'll usually keep working. The people here are paid nicely and their families compensated...their remembered as the soldiers they were in life. They do this for god and queen and they have been trained; sure many people don't know who Hellsing is exactly but that's how it was meant to be." I loaded on my ammunition into my guns and tapped my magazines making sure the bullets were sitting as they were meant too.

Pip listened and he kicked his feet up on the table which at the moment I could have cared less. "So do you think we'll survive here for long?"

"There's no guarantee how long any of us will live Pip; by the way it sounds we're going to war. I've been keeping an eye on Hellsing's one has dared to directly attack Hellsing in awhile. The fact someone did and managed to do so much destruction in a short time makes me wonder just who their fighting...who we're going to be fighting."

"What do you mean Sora?" Pip spoke as I sat my handgun down as I finished with it and was looking to him.

"Hellsing deals with vampires and ghouls more then anyone else anymore; well there have been some instances where the ghouls keep walking even after the vampire is dead I've seen that first hand myself. That's not how it works; the ghouls are suppose to die once their creator is dead...I think someone is making these vampires and in turn they make ghouls even children become ghouls when they shouldn't. I'm curious to know who this enemy that Hellsing is facing." I smirked a little.

Pip sighed knowing he was just as curious as I was but as I watched him I knew that he had another reason for being curious about vampires. I remembered the look he gave Seras in the library; yeah he was a player but the look earlier wasn't his player self. It was that of a man who was crushing off the get go and I had to find it amusing.

"Come on Pip just ask the real question; I know you have another reason for coming to me." I got up as I was putting things away and cleaning up a little.

Pip watched and sighed softly. "How do you do that? Always seem to know whenever something is bothering me; or is on my mind. Are you psychic or something?"

I chuckled shaking my head. "Not at all; I'm your friend Pip it's my job to know you better then you even know. Like when something is bothering you or when something is on your get this serious look on your face and you kind of space out. I know your listening but at the same time your lost in your thoughts."

"Yeah your right something is on my mind; or more like a certain blonde haired vampire. Seras...I don't know what it is but earlier;  I just felt like she stole my breath and that my heart missed a beat. I want to get to know her better; she's going to be training with us starting tomorrow." Pip sighed as he leaned back and was looking to my ceiling as he spoke.

I thought of earlier with how I reacted to Alucard I hadn't been able to get my mind off of him and smiled softly knowing I was in the same boat as Pip. "It's called a crush; the young Seras has caught your attention. Your not the only one who is crushing on a vampire."

Pip was surprised and he laughed as he sat forward and properly in his chair leaning on his arms on my table closer to me. "So someone finally has captured your eye; I was always wondering who would get your attention. But the real question we both have..."

I finished his sentence. "Do we tell them we carry a torch for them or do we keep it to ourselves and take it out graves. Even if we make it through this; will we still stay here or will we go back to our jobs we were doing before Hellsing hired us. So many questions and so little time; man do we make a pair." I smiled softly.

Pip and I both sat in silence for awhile both lost in our thoughts wondering of what was to come. I couldn't get rid of the nagging feeling that this would be the end of the road for many of us as I gripped my hand in a fist.

"What's on your mind Sora? Something's upsetting you." Pip spoke up causing me to jump in my chair and look to him.

"Have you ever gotten that feeling that something is going to change majorly and a feeling of dread and dismay. Like you can feel death hovering around you waiting for the moment to cut your life thread." I spoke calmly but seriously.

Pip frowned but nodded his head. "Every day Sora; tomorrow isn't guaranteed or even the next hour...that's life. But I'll be damned if I don't go out swinging; and I know you will also go out swinging and taking your enemies with you just so you can torture them in the after life." Pip grinned happily.

I bit my lip and giggled at his words he knew me too well. "Well then...should that day come; let's show those bastards that we're someone to be feared and bring them with us to hell."

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