Chapter 17

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Sora's P.O.V
I walked in with Alucard and noticed I was relaxed with the humans in the room and smiled softly seeing the look of relief on everyone's faces. I looked to Integra. "Are you alright Sir Integra?"

Integra looked relieved and was smoking a cigar. "Yes I'm alright Sora; tell me I'm sure Alucard and yourself went into your memories did you see who the sniper was?"

"Yes and I should have known; that man...was my father. They have turned him; he deliberately made sure I saw him. My father was a great shot as a human he's no doubt much better now; but him making sure I saw him was more then a warning it was a taunt. A taunt telling me that he's out there and waiting for the perfect moment to strike." I spoke seriously the anger in my voice was clear as day.

Pip cursed softly from his spot as well he didn't like that now it was more then personal towards just Hellsing it was personal for me as well. He looked to me and then the rest of those in the room. "Your father knew where you were; but why shoot you? What does he gain?"

"Easy...he wanted to hurt more then just myself he sent this as a warning towards Alucard as well. With myself being Alucard's mate if I'm gone then that will only drive Alucard mad with rage." I looked to Alucard I knew that no one else but myself and Seras saw Alucard's eyes glowing behind his glasses from where we stood.

I moved taking Alucard's left hand with my right hand and gave a light squeeze to show I was there and felt him calming.

Integra cursed softly and looked to Alucard. "Take this time Alucard; you have till morning to start training Sora and then at morning you will leave for your mission."

Alucard nodded his head and he smirked to me as we headed outside to his and Seras's shooting range. "You have a handgun but Walter is making you two new guns both a sniper rifle and handgun. Your a vampire now you can handle more power then a normal human my queen; it will help with the future fight that is to come."

I nodded my head following Alucard till we were outside and listened to him as he started teaching me with my guns and I was quick to get the hang of shooting from such a far distance. "It's not that hard."

"Seras has got the hang of it; when she finally feeds it will help her out all that much better. Yourself and Seras will be kept back to guard the mansion...when this war begins Integra will be called into a round table meeting I also want you to keep an eye on them as well during that meeting."

I frowned and looked to Alucard. "The enemy would try a pathetic move like that wouldn't they? Divide and conquer; what a pathetic way to try and defeat your enemies. But what from we were told all this Last Battalion's just the world's most longest suicide mission. It's been what...? Fifty years since they last attacked? Back was war as well wasn't it? That's something I never thought I would be caught in is a war." Resting as I had a bag of blood once Alucard let me rest.

Alucard chuckled leaning against the wall besides me as I cuddled into him as he had an arm wrapped around my waist. I could feel the anger and tension radiating off of Alucard...I sighed softly as I looked to him even though he wore a smirk on his face I knew it was just a mask like many of us have been wearing. I moved till I was standing in front of the older male and saw him look down to me.

"I'll be alright Alucard; I promise. You know that everyone here will fight with every breath in their matter what happens we'll fight to the bitter end. I'm not worried about just myself anymore I'm worried about those in this mansion and every innocent person in this entire city. How many people will die; how many people died for those sick bastards to get this far. I have so many questions in my mind that I just...I don't know what to think of where to begin sometimes; but then I remember I have a duty here and to those I'm loyal too. I know I'm a young vampire just a newborn but..."

Alucard sighed and I blushed when I felt him nuzzle my throat and I swore if my heart was still beating I would be blushing darkly.

"I know your scared and I'm sorry my little huntress; I know your strong and's why I trust you to help guard our home. I wish I had more time to teach you the way of us vampires; when this is done with I'll make sure that I teach your anything else you need. Guard our home, our people, and our master. Make sure that you and Seras guard each other's backs."

"I only have one request father; if he truly is against the enemy no matter which one of us he wants to fight. Make his end as quick as we father would have been dead the minute they turned him. I truly want to be the one who stops him...he's my family and that make's it my responsibility to put a stop to him no matter what happens."

Alucard chuckled a little. "If that's what it comes to...then your more then welcome to deal with him. Something tells me that there is more to this then just responsibility; I think it's because he's your father...the man who trained and raised you. You also want closure in your own way; one last fight with him and a chance to defeat him as a way to show him that you'll be alright without him here in this world anymore."

I looked up to Alucard surprised from where I had cuddled into him while he talked and I nodded my head smiling softly. "Your right...I don't want to have to say goodbye; but if I have to say goodbye...then I want to be able to say it my own way and have closure it will give me a piece of mind as well. My father has always been my idol someone that I can look up too when times had gotten hard...he was my only family member I had in this world that was true blood. It was him who taught me my values and morals...and cause of him; I learned that family isn't always blood. Cause of my father teaching me all sorts of lessons over the years I learned that even Pip and the Wild Geese can be my family and to me...they are my family and now Hellsing is my family too."

Alucard smiled softly. "Your so young and yet you already sound so much more mature beyond your years...I'm sure your father was proud and will be proud of the strong woman you are today. Integra, Seras and you are three of the most strongest women I have ever had the pleasure of meeting; you have all had a hard bump at some point in your life where you had hit rock bottom but you found a way to climb back up stronger and wiser then you were before. It will be an honour to fight along side you in this war my queen."

I smiled softly. "Thank you Alucard; it will be a pleasure to fight along side you as well. You better not be wicked late if the war starts before you get back...but we'll hold on and fight hard till you can be back with us my king."

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