Chapter 15

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Alucard's P.O.V
Alucard walked over to the front of her desk seeing the frown she had. "Where has Millenium attacked now?"

Integra let him see the folder. "They've taken over a war ship; your to find a way to board it and take it back. Search and Destroy." She spoke seriously and saw the vampire smirking and could only dread the blood shed that was to come. "May I ask what took you so long to come here?"

"I was talking with Sora about some things and waited till she was asleep my master."

"You want to turn her don't you? Ever since you all came back from Rio you have been more protective of her then before. You know that it has to be her will though." Integra leaned back as she took out a cigar as Walter walked in after he knocked and given entrance.

Alucard was serious. "We have talked about it; I'm certain that once I go after the enemy on the ship they will no doubt try to attack London. I wish to turn her and she understands with her being another vampire it will only be that much more protection not only for the estate but for those fighting in this up coming war my master. Once she wakes I'll talk with her I'm sure she'll agree to be changed before I leave."

"Make sure you do; I'm sure she'll take nicely to that life." Integra moved as she stood and looked outside to see soldiers training. "The wolf geese will be setting up perimeters today so no doubt she will help."

"She will their her family as well...speaking of which; Millenium has her father and a text came from his phone to hers during our trip in Rio. If they turn him then they have a weapon..." Alucard thought and cursed softly. "They might send him after her."

Walter and Integra both froze and looked to Alucard tense and worried. Walter then looked to Integra speaking.

"Her father could use the wires like myself and he taught her; with a weapon like that in their power he could become a problem. If Sora gets turned..." Walter froze. "He might try an assassination on her."

Integra moved being silent and as she went to put her cigar ashes in their ashtray she snapped her cigar in half in her hand. "Get Sora here now!"

Alucard bowed and went to Sora's room checking for danger and could hear her tossing and turning. He entered through the shadows and gently sat before bringing Sora to him and spoke.

"Wake up Sora; it's only a nightmare my queen. Your safe Sora I promise." Alucard spoke as he gently moved her hair out of her face and heard her gasp awake in fear shaking.

Sora quickly recognized him as Alucard held her close to him rubbing her back gently. He listened to how her heart raced and swore that if it had gone any faster it would explode from the fear; along with the way she shook like a leaf in his arms only proved that Sora was very scare only from her dream.

"Your safe Sora I promise. It was only a dream; no one or thing will ever harm you my Queen. Your not weak and this I know it true." Alucard spoke trying to soothe her.

Sora's P.O.V
I looked to Alucard after a bit and worked on trying to calm myself and how he spoke eased my fear. I knew that he was speaking the truth; everything from the time she met him, their mission in Rio, the incident at the meeting with the queen and now only reassured me that Alucard would keep me safe.

To those who were his enemy they saw him as a monster I saw a vampire that had been along for long but seeing him here with me relaxed me but made me think of becoming stronger for not just myself but those around me that I wanted to fight with.

I didn't want to burden anyone it was why I blamed myself for what happened to my father. I had been young and no experience with the older vampires and I had tried making a name for myself and hadn't taken the time to understand my enemy. I learnt my lesson and this time of it meant my life would be sacrificed then I was alright with it.

I felt Alucard tense up holding me close as a very ticked off growl rumbled from him I quickly hugged him.

"Stop reading my mind Alucard that's rude." I lightly smiled for him as I leaned back to look him in the eye. "What brings you to my room?"

"Integra wishes to speak with you, myself and Walter in her office it's serious." Alucard allowed me to go get changed into some what decent clothes as he waited on my bed.

I slipped on a t-shirt, joggers and a pair of runners that I kept with me since during some times I like to work out or go running just to relieve stress. I left my room with Alucard wondering what was going on as I saw Alucard was tense.

"Alucard? Is this something to do with my father? Or Millenium?" I looked to Alucard who spoke looking to me.

"A bit of both Sora; this also involves you and is very serious my queen."

"How serious is it? What's going on?"

Alucard sighed softly. "Myself, Integra and Walter believe that Millenium took your father as a way to have power against you Sora. He knows you and how you fight; or he did back then. Their hoping that he'll be able to defeat you..."

"And it would be a blow towards you; cause of me being your mate if something happens to me then there's a chance you'll snap and kill anything minus the family. I'm not going to let myself loose to the man who used to be my father he's gone and that is a fact I have to accept. Yes it breaks my heart that I couldn't save my own father but in the end his death and blood will be on my hands he's my responsibility."

"I know he is Sora; but who knows what they will do between now and then just to get to myself and you. They will find anyway to get under our skin and you have to be extra alert for anything at all times. I'll be leaving for my mission within the next day or so and I will be worried for you."

I leaned up kissing him softly on the lips as I blushed darkly and my heart flew fast in my chest that I talked to Alucard mentally.

'Don't be afraid I won't be alone and I will keep my guard up; when you come home I'll be waiting for you.'

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