Chapter 1

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Sora's P.O.V
I enjoyed the nights when no dangers vampires or ghouls just a calm start lit night. I walked to my living room as I closed the curtains when I heard that the Hellsing HeadQuarters were directly attacked and much damage was caused.

I frowned when I heard my cellphone ringing and not recognizing the number I cautiously answered it.

"Sora speaking; who is this?" I spoke alert.

"Ms.Nightingale this is Walter Dornez of Hellsing. We have heard that you are a supernatural hunter is this true?"

I was surprised that Hellsing heard about me and got a hold of my number. "Yes that's true; is there something I can help you with?"

"Ah well yes; Sir Integra would like to employ you. As you may have heard on the news our HQ was just recently attacked and much of our numbers was greatly reduced in the attack. Would you like to consider helping us out?" Walter spoke with a calm but confident tone in his voice.

I thought about his request this would bring in money I needed to pay for my bills and what not that this opportunity was to good to pass up. "Tell Sir Integra I will accept; when would she like me there?"

"A car will be around to pick you up in the evening please have whatever you need ready to go."

I smiled. "Very well goodbye Mr.Dornez."

"Good day Ms.Nightingale."

I smirked when I hung up and slightly chuckled as I looked around. "Well this will keep me busy."

I went and started packing whatever I needed I had gotten good with packing my most basic things along with my weapons which I was grateful I could wear my weapons on my body. I packed extra ammunition and some clothes which I could fit together in my two bags and placed them at the front entrance.

I went around then locking my home and closing the windows to secure it and made sure any food that may go bad in my absence was gone which wasn't hard due to homeless living in the streets and I would bring them food, clothes and blankets they could use.

I went back home after dropping off the food for the homeless and made myself a bowl of ramen noodles. I changed channels on my television before I shut it off when nothing was on that I wanted to see and I sat up and got to work cleaning my gun and getting bullets into it again.

I watched night approached and just before dusk my doorbell rang and I got up grabbing my jacket securing the clip as I opened the door seeing an older butler and bowed in respect. "You must be Walter? I'm ready to go."

He smiled and bowed in respect as well. "Pleasure to meet you Ms.Nightingale." He carried my bags to the car as I turned on my security system and locked my front door before I walked to the car where a woman in a green suit was waiting.

"Sir Integra Windgates Hellsing; it's an honour to meet you. I'm Sora Nightingale and I'm in your service until the enemy has been silenced." I bowed slightly in respect.

Integra smirked amused. "Your well disciplined; your father must be proud. Come along you then." She got into the car and I followed her as Walter closed the door and he got into the drivers seat and took off to the Hellsing Manor.

"I'm sure my father would be proud; but he has been a coma for about six years now. The doctors do not believe that he will wake up ever again since he was wounded on one of our missions." I spoke looking out the window but could see Integra's reflection.

Integra lit her cigar but had her window rolled down a crack. "I'm sorry to hear that; may I ask what happened?"

I thought back to the night that my father went into a coma. "We were chasing a vampire; the male vamp must have been fairly old he was strong and fast. Usually we would never split to far from one another but my father broke that rule. I was dealing with the ghouls and just as I shot the last one I heard a scream from my father; I had never heard him scream ever in my life. I hurried to his side and the vampire had tossed him into some spikes that had been forced into the wall; the vampire then came after me to kill. I don't really remember what happened but I do remember using my wires and when I finally snapped out of it the vampire was dead. Thankfully there was no bite marks of any kind anywhere so he never had a chance to change my father; since then my father has been asleep. I visit him whenever I can but nothing changes not even his brain activity."

Integra/Walter's P.O.V's
Integra and Walter has both been listening they had never imagined that a young woman her age could already kill an old vampire.

Integra thought back to when Walter had given her a report about a young female had been found holding her father's unconscious body and the girl was out of it.

Walter looked to Sora seeing the girl looked exhausted and it made him wonder just how much did she push herself or if she even took care of her health and he spoke up. "Ms.Nightingale..."

"Please call me Sora." She spoke up .

Walter smiled softly as he pulled into the Hellsing driveway. "Right Sora; where is your mother? There was no reports on her."

"From what my father told me; she never wanted to be apart of our lives after she had me. When she saw my eye colour she called me the devil's child and left; she also didn't like my father being a hunter. Father heard about an attack on a family a few blocks away and low and behold she already had her own family there; she only used him to try and take his money which didn't work. She was killed by a newbie vampire." Walter was surprised with Integra and after Walter parked the car he saw Sora get out and he smiled sighing softly and watched as Integra got out.

"Don't worry about your things I'll have them brought to your room. Please follow Sir Integra; there's some other people here called the Wild Geese that need to be filled in and you will be there as well for orientation." Walter closed the car door behind the women.

Sora's P.O.V
I nodded my head and followed Integra inside as I thought about the group and smiled softly. It would be good to see my family again after so long.

Integra noticed and she looked curious as she walked ahead of me. "Do you know the Wild Geese?"

"Ah yes I do; just like any other hunter I travel lots and during one of my missions I ran into the Wild Geese. Their a bunch of hard working men; very loyal and willing to do whatever it takes to win so long as the price is right. I met them by accident when I was out scouting around a town I had been hired too when children would vanish and ghouls of adults started appearing. I kept all that on the down low their mission was on the other side of town thankfully."

Integra chuckled. "Making all the allies that you can I suppose; it gives you an advantage when needed." She stopped at a door and opened it as she heard Pip explaining that they would be hunting monsters and the men laughed.

Integra chose that moment to walk in. "Stab a vampires heart, cut off it's head, burn the body that is the way to kill a vampire; read Bram Striker for future reference." Integra's presence alone commanded all of our attention.

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