Chapter 8

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Sora's P.O.V
I woke up at night time sighing softly with how crappy I feel and I got up going to take a shower Seeing that my guns were ready and Alucard was already gone.

I smiled softly grateful that he did what he did earlier. As I grabbed my clothes seeing they had been washed during the day, I set them on the counter and my towel on the towel holder as I got into the hot water which was nearly scalding. I loved the hot water as it woke me up and relaxed me from my break down earlier.

I wondered if anything had been found with my father's disappearance. After I finished my shower and got dressed I sighed drying my hair and got it put up thinking back to when it was just my father and I and I giggled remembering when he would try and do my hair with some struggle but would get it.

We may not have had the best life but we had what we needed and each other; that was good enough for us. I looked up hearing a knock as I came out of my bathroom. "Enter."

I saw Walter let Integra in and soon it was Walter, Alucard, Pip and Seras and I looked to Pip seeing the look and I knew they figured out who my friend was and sighed softly. "When did you figure it out?"

"This morning when we were doing some research of who could have taken your father. Have you ever come across Millenium or any chipped freaks?" Integra asked.

I shook my head. "No sir; at least I never have on any of those that I eradicated. I can't say much about my father since he never liked talking about any of his missions at home and neither did I."

Alucard had moved to make himself comfortable and I didn't care as I motioned for them to get comfy as I was getting my gear together and onto my person going through all me weapons.

'Thank you for tending to my weapons after my break down Alucard.' I spoke mentally to him.

Alucard nodded his head. 'Welcome huntress.'

Integra spoke up a small smirk on her face. "We're sending you into the hotel with Alucard and Seras; we know your a good fighter but no doubt Alucard will do most of the work. We need you and Seras with him and ready in case of danger and give back up to Alucard as well; although Sora your going in as Alucard's wife."

I froze and grabbed a pillow throwing it and hit Pip just as he started laughing and smirked when he was holding his nose. "Why? Just send him as a business man. No wife needed."

Alucard chuckled. "Actually I agree with Integra; she's got us the very top floor and Seras will need someone to give her a command once I start dealing with the enemy. Your used to fighting strong opponents she isn't; you can help her out. We don't know what Millenium will throw at us here; don't you want to know if they have your father or not? Someone should know."

I froze at Alucard's words and cursed under my breath. I wondered if it was worth the trouble but knew Alucard was right; this was my father's life on the line and I wanted answers and the only way to get them was to get to the front lines. I looked to Alucard silently seeing the serious look before I sighed.

"Fine; I'll pose as his wife. When do we leave do you know yet?" I looked to the rest of them.

Integra sighed softly. "We still have to figure out how to move your weapons undetected and move Seras. Since she doesn't drink blood she won't do good moving over water."

Pip looked confused as he finished rubbing his sore face. "Water bothers vampires?"

I sighed softly. "Well vampires that are young  or don't drink blood can't stand moving water. Now ones like Alucard or Freaks that drink blood can with stand moving over water cause blood is their strength. To drink blood is to take the soul of the victim into one's self."

Integra nodded her head. "Well worded; that is true Mr.Bernadotte."

Pip was surprised as he shook his head. "Leave it to you Sora to remember that just like you always do."

"That's how I've been all my life; taking in any and all information on anything that I can. Learning to do many things; what was that saying? Jack of all trades; master of none?" I smiled playfully.

Pip chuckled and nodded his head as Walter laid out a map of the area we would be in Rio; and building plans of the hotel. Pip and I both right away moved to look at the plans.

I frowned softly. "You said we'll be in the suite? Well it works but at the same time is doesn't. They could easily enter both doors and all windows; they would literally have us pinned down."

"That's where I come in Sora; yourself and Seras won't be participating in the first part of that blood bath. That will be myself." Alucard spoke up as he walked over and stood besides me almost behind me but I wasn't intimidated as I listened.

I looked to the map again still not liking the fact that I could still be pinned which I absolutely despised. "I still don't like the idea of being pinned."

"I know you don't Sora but this is the best plan we have." Integra spoke as we looked to the map before going to show the men and explain what was happening.

Alucard smirked as listened to what the men said and many disagreeing with me being in the line of fire off the get go.

I sighed softly as I leaned back listening to them and was standing besides Alucard. "Hey gentlemen! This is my choice I was to originally help Pip with the enemies ground forces but because of what I can do and how I fight this is the next best idea. I can be in the line of fight from the start Pip's going to steal a chopper to get us out of there till then we can hold our ground."

Pip nodded from his spot where he was sitting. "We all know Sora can protect herself and with Alucard and Seras there she'll be alright. This plan works she's going under cover though as Alucard's wife." Pip smirked playfully.

The guys smirked and started laughing before I started scolding them playfully but I had to admit as well it was funny as well. I never saw myself as the kind to fall in love and this was just to funny not to pass up.

Alucard was Chuckling in his corner seeing how dark I was blushing which didn't help with all the teasing I was receiving.

It didn't take long before we were all busy getting things ready to be shipped and the four going on the plane was myself, Pip, Seras and of course Alucard. As I was getting things ready I looked up seeing Alucard Enter my room not knocking like usual.

"What's up Alucard?"

"I brought the ring you will be wearing for the undercover job till we're in our room."

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