Chapter 10

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Alucard's P.O.V
Alucard would keep watch when the plane would land to refuel he didn't trust anyone coming near their plane thankfully many of the places they landed were all private and unknown airports.

At one point Alucard was alert when he saw Sora shifting around uncomfortable but also mumbling in her sleep. He sighed softly as he scooped her up being careful not to wake her and walked to a couch on the plane and laid down with Sora hoping she would rest easier.

He noticed everyone else asleep even Seras was quiet in her coffin which Alucard found amusing. He held Sora against himself protectively and Sora was cuddled into him resting quietly once again.

Alucard looked down when he heard movement and saw Sora waking up. "How are you feeling?"

Sora blushed darkly before she looked up after she yawned. "Good; where are we?"

"We have another hour or so of flying before we land in Rio." He noticed that she was getting up and sat up as well. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah I feel better then earlier. Why are you so protective of me?" Sora looked to me curiously.

Alucard sighed softly as he knew she wanted answers and he had them. "We're mates; in all my life I never thought I would find my other half."

"Mates? But how do you know Alucard?" Sora didn't look worried on the outside but Alucard knew better.

Alucard sighed softly. "From the first time that I saw you; your blood sang out to me. There's no other blood that smells alluring; when I saw you break down when you got the call that your father was missing I didn't like it and felt protective of you. That's why I want you close and safe; it's why I'm being protective of you now. I see a woman who's been strong for so long that she put others needs before her own; that she put the weight of the world on her shoulders. Let me help bare those burdens with you Sora."

"It has been hard; all my life I trained to be a huntress, to carry any and all burdens on my shoulders. For a long time it was just myself and my father against the world. When he was put into a coma I took on those extra burdens; I worked hard so I could pay for his health care. I would work till I would basically drop. How do you let someone in when your afraid too; incase you loose them." Sora spoke with a sad smile on her face.

Alucard thought and gave a small playful smirk. "Guess you have to take a leap of faith; something tells me that you want someone to be there for you now more then ever. You have trusted me twice now; you fell asleep with me holding you and that takes a lot of trust to drop your guard around other people."

Alucard watched as Sora bit her lip lightly seeing that she was blushing and her heart rate had picked up. He nuzzled her sighing softly before he spoke to her. "It's rare that a vampire finds their blood singer; it's true many blood types allure is but none and I mean none are as addicting as a blood singer. Your blood is like a strong drug that no matter how much I want to ignore it I can't; your blood draws me back to you. If I had been younger I would no doubt have lost control thankfully I'm very old and can control myself. If a time ever came that you couldn't continue as a human would you allow me to change you?"

Sora's P.O.V
I froze at Alucard's question as I thought; I knew that mates were everything to creatures. It didn't matter how they acted to one another but mates were two halves to a whole; they could calm one another down and with how old Alucard was and being alone aside from being a slave or pet vampire for the Hellsing family I didn't want him to spend the rest of eternity alone.

I looked to Alucard seeing the way his red eyes glowed but I knew that he had seen things that even I could never imagine and done things I haven't. Thinking about my father as well I couldn't help but have a bad feeling and nodded my head. "Only and only if there is a chance that I won't live then may you turn me alright ?"

Alucard smirked and nodded his head. "Fair enough. Every enemy that we fight and I can read their minds or drink their blood I'll look for information on Millenium; I have a feeling that they have your father."

"If they do and if they turn him into the enemy then I ask that you allow me to be the one who fights him. He's still my family and it's only right that I be the one who sends him to his grave." I looked to Alucard seriously even though it hurt me that there was a chance I would loose the last of my family.

Alucard looked me in the eye before he nodded his head seeing my resolve. "Very well but if I see that you can't finish the job myself or Seras will step in."

"I can do it Alucard; cause if they turned him then it means his days as a human are over and the man will not be the man I know." I sat back in my seat as the captain spoke that we were landing and I sighed softly as Pip joined us again and we all buckled up waiting for the plane to land.

I took a deep breath sighing softly as the plane landed and tried to not let the landing bother me I always hated take off and landing since it was bumpy and always made me feel sick.

As the plane came to a stop and we could get off I walked off in front of Alucard and saw a limo waiting for us at the plane. "Integra sure doesn't hold back does she? I mean we get a suite, a private plane and now a private limo sheesh."

Alucard chuckled. "Not when it comes to this type of mission." He opened the door for me as I slid in and watched out the window as the men loaded the rest of the things and Seras into the truck that had come to meet us at the plane.

Once the men were ready Pip joined us in the limo and the driver took us to our hotel. I was shocked with how hot it still was even at night that myself and Pip rolled the windows down a crack still being weary of any attacks that could happen.

As I watched the view I noticed that the town looked dead and silent the closer we got to the hotel and nudged Pip's foot who looked over and nodded his head.

Alucard smirked seeing that I caught on. "Your weary of your surroundings that's good."

"Myself and Pip learnt to always be aware of your surroundings; when it's your life on the line you always have your guard up. I doubt they'll do anything till we're at the hotel." I spoke so only Alucard heard as Pip was looking around and communicating with the truck.

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