Chapter 5

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*Next Day*

Sora's P.O.V
The next night myself and The Wild Geese were outside training with Seras shooting at far targets and I smirked when the guys complained of being unable to hit the targets including Pip.

Seras and Pip were currently arguing due to Seras trying to show off and even shot the innocent people. I shook my head smirking and nudged the first in command and showed a $100 bill. "Pip will soon make dirty comments."

He smirked. "Your so on Sora." We shook hands agreeing before we returned to training. I noticed that Alucard, Integra and Walter were watching from the sidelines as we trained.

I concentrated as I had a sniper rifle thanks to Walter who had been told the day before to make it so if I had too then I wouldn't have to get close to battles to often if I didn't need too.

I ignored everyone as I lined up my shot and smirked playfully. "Pip! Got that target with you?" It was a normal target but it was hard to see from a distance and no one but experienced snipers ever really used.

Pip stopped his arguing which was another thing I wanted to end and he grabbed the target and smirked showing it. "Are you sure you want to give this a go? It's been awhile since you've snipered with us."

"I'm sure; Seras be a sweet heart and take it all the way to the other side of shooting range." I changed the scope on my sniper rifle and saw her looking shocked but take it to the other side where I could easily see it.

Pip chuckled grabbing his binoculars and walked over he would be watching the target and gave me the wind as I adjusted my scope to where I needed it and the men fell silent.

Once Seras was back with us I took a deep breath in and slowly released my breath as I pulled the trigger getting a little kick back but not bad since I always held my rifle tightly to my shoulder. "Bullseye?"

Pip nodded his head. "Bullseye; you haven't lost your touch. Let's make this harder; your going to have to trust me on this shot."

I smirked and removed the night vision off my scope and leaned down as Pip gave me the wind and the exact position that I needed my scope and gun to be. I nodded my head signalling that I was ready.

Pip smirked seeing Seras looking shocked. "Fire!" Hearing me pull the trigger and smirked seeing I made another Bullseye. "Bullseye well done Sora."

"Thank you Pip." I stood as we high fived and smirked seeing guys having made bets on wether or not I would miss. "Seras what's the length of this gun range?"

"Oh's about a mile. How far can you shoot?" She was impressed as she saw one of the guys go and grab the target and bring it back.

"Around three miles if I really had too; but normally I keep to about one mile just to play it safe." I saw the guys laughing as the center of the Bullseye was destroyed.

I looked back when I heard footsteps and saw Integra along with Alucard and Walter walking over. I could see the smirk on Alucard's face but I knew he was happy with my shooting.

Integra looked to the target and she smirked. "Good choice to give you a sniper rifle. Who taught you to shoot Sora?"

"Pip and the rest of Wild Geese taught me after the first time. Their sniper had been hurt in the mission and I'm a quick learner Sir Integra." I spoke and moved sitting as I removed the empty casings and put new bullets in the magazine always having my magazines in my guns full. "My guns are a small part of my arsenal."

Integra looked surprised. "What else do you use?" She looked to me and the way she stood showed she was dominant and demanding everyone's attention in an area.

Pip smirked. "What about those wires you use?"

"Those are only a really last resort; I use wires from my gloves but only if it's a really bad emergency in a fight. Like if I can't use my other weapons; sometimes I'll use the wires to make a shield to protect myself from debris." Seeing Walter looked shocked.

Integra was surprised and she looked to Walter before looking back to me. "Show me on the targets out there."

"Sure." I moved to the other side of the gun range as I called on my wires and moved my hands as I snapped my fingers slicing apart the dummies like they were paper.

Walter had been watching with Integra and he spoke. "Miss Sora; may I ask where you learnt and received your wires?"

I thought. "A friend I knew when I was younger gave me the gloves and taught me. I'm afraid that's all I can tell you; I don't really remember most of my past due to me locking away unwanted memories and thoughts from back then. May I ask why?"

Walter chuckled softly. "I too use those wires; if you want I can work on you with them. Show you more fighting techniques; if that's alright with you Sir Integra."

Integra smiled softly nodding her head. "Take her to the other training spot; the rest of you's will keep training Seras, Pip. You two will report to my office along with Sora and Alucard you four have a mission this week and will need to start getting ready for it."

Pip and myself along with Wild Geese saluted Integra and I smirked seeing Seras saluting. "Yes ma'am."

I waved to Pip as I followed Walter and noticed that Alucard had decided to join us. "May I ask but how long have you both known one another?"

Alucard smirked. "World War 2; we helped to deal with the Nazis. Back then they started calling themselves Millenium; the same group that attacked here a few days ago."

Walter spoke from his spoke and I noticed he switched to black coloured gloves from his white ones and had a feeling those are the ones with his wires. "Ah yes I had just started working for Integra's father back then; I was around fifteen. Angel of Death is the reputation that I earned."

I was shocked thinking and shook my head. "And they sent you both together? How the hell have you put up with one another for so long?!"

Alucard chuckled along with Walter as it seemed an inside joke to them. Alucard smirked as he spoke. "That's something between us; he's known I was here all this time even after Integra's sealed me away. He was surprised when I was awakened by Integra when her uncle tried to kill her; but then again that had only been about for twenty years and Integra herself was only a teenager at the time that happened. Walter was away on a mission hence why Integra ran to my room I was dehydrated."

I bit my lip when I thought of Alucard dehydrated like a raisin and moved faster into step with Walter growled under his breath. I smirked back at him. "Stay out my thoughts then."

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