Chapter 6

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Sora's P.O.V
We had walked out into a different training ground and it looked like claw marks on some of the walls. "Oh wow."

"Well this is my training ground; I can't train around the normal soldiers and this is the best place to be when I feel like training so I don't become rusty." Walter spoke as he walked out into the arena and motioned for me to follow.

Alucard smirked as he watched us. "You must be excited Walter; it's not everyday you find someone else who use's wires like you do."

Walter chuckled and he brought out his wires as I did I wondered how fast Walter was. Speed and technique meant everything when it came to using these wires. I was surprised when he attacked first and I used my wires to deflect him as I dodged and flung out my wires I could see the difference between his and mine.

His glowed a light blue which gave off an creepy feeling and no doubt flowed brighter when it was darker. I sneered when he managed to leave a cut on my right cheek.

"Your very skilled Sora; I'm impressed but you do have room for improvement." Walter spoke a slight smirk on his face.

I smirked. "I'm more then willing to learn." I watched Walter as we continued to train and I would take his advice on how to improve on my wires. He managed to leave a few cuts on myself but I hadn't left any on him he was very good but that was to be expected.

He had decades of experience with his wires where I was only a few years. That was a big difference between us; every minute of him teaching was worth it and I was quickly learning what he was teaching.

Walter chuckled when he made me slide back a couple feet this time we were working on my defence as I was panting heavily collapsing to one knee. "Your a quick study Sora that's good. Your wire colours have they always been red?"

"Yes; my friend who gave them to me said I needed something that suited my personality and to my friend Red was that colour. Yeah it meant anger, but it stood for love and the stubbornness in me. I never like giving up no matter what." I took a few deep breaths trying to calm my heart rate and breathing.

Alucard had been watching impressed. He looked to Walter and Sora. "Ever hear the name Angel of Death?"

Sora looked up as she nodded her head. "Only stories...a single man able to take down multiple enemies and no one who seen him could tell what happened or else they never spoke for they themselves were killed for being the enemy."

Walter chuckled. "I'm surprised anyone still remembers the stories about me."

I was surprised and thought it made sense and I smiled before seeing the sun starting to come up as we all started heading inside. "Angel of Death; it's an honour to be taught by you." I saw Pip walking over with Seras as we all headed towards Integra's office and Walter knocked till she allowed us inside.

I yawned a little as we stood in front of Integra and listened as she told us about the Rio mission. I looked up when she said I would be staying in the hotel with Alucard and Seras. "Woah how come I'm staying with them? Don't get me wrong I like the action but even I'm not that crazy to be that close to the action."

Integra chuckled. "Your right we're hoping to draw the enemy to their hotel; but we need someone who can infiltrate the set up they'll have; Pip is apart of that but we need you to also help stop the enemy from the shadows. Your good for that; you have the weapons to do it close range or..."

I softly cursed catching on. "In other words I'm going to have to be a sniper for this job? So then when would that have to happen?"

Alucard read the mission and understood how Integra was thinking. "As we're escaping we'll need cover in case they have their own snipers."

I looked to Alucard and then Walter nodding my head before I turned back to Integra. "I don't have to go far then from helping the group or Pip; I can use my wires and still stay fairly close to the action as we escape."

Integra looked to us and then Walter. "How is she with her wires?"

"She's well advanced with using her wires; she can basically go toe to toe with myself Sir. Sora still has some room for improvement but she would be alright for this particular mission sir." Walter spoke as he gave Integra some tea before standing besides her again at attention.

Alucard nodded his head. "I'll agree with Walter; she's a quick study and adjusts to situations in battle on the fly as well. She'll be a good benefit to the team Integra."

Pip and I looked at one another and both had a good idea of the damage we were going to cause to the troops outside.

Pip nodded his head slightly. "Integra do we have anything on their command or will that also be on the fly?"

"On the fly as well; we don't know how many men there will be but this will be a search and destroy mission. We believe that Millenium is there already infiltrated the military and police. You will all be leaving with in the next couple days figure out a way to move Seras as well."

"Wouldn't be bad if Police Girl would drink blood." Alucard spoke in a scolding tone.

Seras bit her lip a little knowing she was being scolded for not acting like a real vampire as she stood besides me.

I looked to her seeing the upset look and shook my head knowing she needed to soon start feeding or it would drive her crazy or weaken her.

Once Integra dismisses us Seras banished to try and eat again as I headed to my room and sighed softly as I closed my door removed my weapons setting them down on my table. I sighed softly as I moved turning my lights on and closed the curtains not wanting to see the sunshine right now as a headache started.

I could at least dim down the lights in my room which was what I did before I started working on cleaning my weapons. I saw Alucard come into my room through the shadows.

"You know there's this thing called knocking Alucard; you should try it sometime. I heard it's respectful." I snapped as he chuckled.

"My I haven't done anything yet to you and your already caring your fangs to me. Don't forget your just a human." Alucard moved sniffing my neck but that was the most he did as I worked on my weapons.

"Believe me I never forget; I just don't like people letting themselves into my room." Ignoring him the best I could as I started taking my guns apart starting with my handgun.

"You treat your weapons well; how long have you had that hand gun?" He took a seat across from me as he drank a bag of blood and I worked on my weapons.

I was cleaning the inside of the barrel of my hand gun and looked to him before looking back to what I was doing. "Of course I do; their important for my job."

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