Chapter 13

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Sora's P.O.V
I was grateful there were blinds on the windows not that the sun bothered Alucard but I had started feeling a slight head ache starting and only prayed that it wouldn't become a migraine.

Alucard and myself moved to the couch and he was resting with his head on my lap as I had my eyes closed until the captain announced that we were going to be landing and silently cursed.

I got gently nudged Alucard who grumbled and we took our seats along with Pip but I noticed that the land was already darkened with the setting sun so it was safe for Seras to get out of her coffin.

Pip noticed that I had my own grey sunglasses on to reduce the amount of light but I could still see with them on. He grabbed a couple Advil and bottle of water from his bag and gave them to me.

"Thank you." I took the Advil and drank a little of the water.

"No problem cher; how bad is the pain right now?"

"On a scale of one to ten; then it's sitting at an eight and increasing more. I really do hate when it goes from a headache to a migraine." I spoke a little growly and blushed darkly when I felt the back of my neck getting a light massage and relaxed slowly.

I relaxed as Alucard massaged my neck and noticed after a few minutes that my headache went away and sighed in relief. "Thank you Alucard."

"Your welcome." Alucard watched as Sora relaxed he could tell that her headache was bad as she cringed even from a little bit of light.

We flew for hours till we landed back in England and I was snickering at Pip who was wearing a pink shirt and I changed into different clothes as we had to meet the queen in a way.

As our group walked into the room myself, Pip and Seras stood near the big doors as Alucard was told to go say hello to the queen.

Watching Alucard I saw the queen touching his face and the smile he gave was like a boyish grin but also cocky at the same time. We listened as Alucard explained who these Nazi's were and that they called themselves The Last Battalion.

A new voice got heard and it didn't many of us long to draw our guns seeing a bow with blonde hair ears? I had a bad feeling about him.

"Well the Major sure screwed that one up. Ladies and gentlemen a message from the Major." He spoke and I saw his ears twitch as he greeted Seras who had German heritage.

We could see a pudgy man in a white suit and listened as he spoke. I was tense along with nearly everyone else till laughter was heard; looking I saw the glee on Alucard's face at the idea of the blood shed that was to now come.

Integra got ticked when the Major addressed her and I pushed Pip back as Alucard shot the messenger and Seras shot the screen. I looked towards Integra and Walter before looking back and was shocked seeing the messengers body gone.

It didn't take long before we were all on our way back to Hellsing mansion and both myself and Pip were quiet. Listening to the others talking and jumped when Pip nudged me and pointed towards Integra who I didn't notice was talking to me. "Sorry sir."

"What's on your mind Sora?" She spoke having her cigar which she thankfully had her window down a crack.

"Everything and anything really; like how the hell did those Nazi's live this long? I mean Alucard and Walter fought them fifty years ago and they still look the same as they did back then. The things that they did back then...I guess that saying applies; you really can't teach old dogs new lessons."

Integra chuckled softly. "Oh they will learn this lesson; they will learn that they will die."

"Didn't that man say they have no real purpose except to go after Alucard. Could they have found a way to stop Alucard?" I adjusted myself so I was sitting straighter in my seat.

"It would be a small possibility; but Alucard will not die easily." Integra noticed that Alucard was quiet and resting during the car ride. "He's resting."

I looked to see that Alucard was indeed resting it was weird that he didn't just take the shadows home but I suppose with the threat that the Major gave during the meeting with the queen and the things to come...Alucard was being cautious since in this car were four humans.

As we got back to the manor Integra got out when Walter opened the door and we slowly followed suit and I stretched before grabbing my gear and started walking inside. Alucard joined me as we walked to my room as everyone else went to do whatever they wanted.

"Earlier the migraine you long have you been getting them like that? I could see that you were in pain Sora." Alucard finally spoke for the first time since we left the meeting.

"Since I was young...around ten I started getting migraines. When they first started I would get so sick and couldn't even do much as move out of bed. As time went on I would try different ways to reduce the pain eventually I just started wearing dark sunglasses inside and outside that a friend had made so the darkness of the shade lens would either darken to the brightness of the light or would dull so I can always see my surroundings."

I unlocked my door and opened it walking inside and Alucard closed the door as I unpacked and got my weapons ready for a fight. Alucard leaned against the wall as he watched every movement I made.

"When did you start working for the Hellsing family? Why would the king of all vampires put himself to the status of pet vampire?" I looked to Alucard curiously and saw the smirk on his face as he walked over before using his teleportation and appeared behind me and I gasped dropping what was in my hands as Alucard scooped me up.

He carried me to my bed where he sat on the edge and I sat on his lap only then was it I noticed that his hat, glasses and jacket were off leaving him in a casual but comfy look and his glowing red eyes looking down at me with a look in his eyes that showed he was lost in his thoughts.

I moved a little to get comfier on his lap and felt his hold on me tighten as I brought a hand up and gently cupping his cheek. "Alucard? You don't have to..." I blushed darkly when I felt Alucard's lips on my own and I swore mentally that for a moment my heart would fly out of my chest.

Alucard chuckled softly as he leaned back. "Forgive me Sora I got lost in my memories; so not fret you didn't bring up to many bad memories. I had been defeated by Van Helsing but instead of killing me to started experimenting on myself to make me stronger so I could work for the family and do many things many others can't."

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