Chapter 20

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Sora's P.O.V
I watched Alucard and was tense before I froze when I felt Alucard talk to me mentally and I let him into my mind without hesitation.

'Don't do anything Sora; this is my fight my love.' Alucard spoke but I could hear the anger in his voice only it wasn't aimed at me or any of us three women.

I bit my lip but nodded my head a little. 'I won't...I'll only step in if it seems that you need major help. I know you and I both don't want Anderson to do this; I know what that nail is...he will die either way my king. Please I'm asking do not loose your anger or this will turn bad for you as well...I can't loose you now.'

Alucard calmed slightly and he looked towards Anderson again giving a growl as Anderson stabbed the nail into his heart and Alucard knew that it had upset me. 'Be ready my love; I may need you and Seras.'

'We'll be on standby.' I looked to Seras as Alucard and the monster Anderson started fighting. "Alucard wishes myself and Seras to be on stand by with this fight."

Integra sighed softly. "Then be ready you two; should anything happen this fight will depend on how quickly you both react."

Seras was worried and I had brought my sniper rifle to me and was putting in a couple special bullets I had asked to be made to slow down regenerators like Anderson. "What is that Sora?"

I looked to Seras and smiled softly. "When we first came across Anderson and I found out he was a regenerator I sent a call to another hunting family and they make this bullets. I had them specially shipped from America to here in just the off chance we would have to deal with Anderson...I'm hoping that maybe we can slow him down long enough to do real damage even though he is now a monster."

Seras nodded her head but she was still worried about the fight to come especially when we could see the Major and his blimp and I looked up having a bad feeling before I looked to Integra.

"Where's Walter?" I spoke seriously but softly so only Integra heard.

"He stayed behind to fight the werewolf that is with Nazi's here today. He made me take the car and leave him behind I'm not sure if he's alive or not." She spoke keeping her composure.

I looked to Integra seeing the look on her face before I heard Seras scream out to Alucard and I cursed standing when I saw Alucard pinned and burning. I looked to Seras motioning for her to go help Alucard has I took to the roofs near by and kneeled taking aim at Anderson and the moment I could I took a shot smirking when I hit him in the chest and Seras saved Alucard who in return had killed Anderson by tearing Anderson's heart out.

I sighed having gone back to Integra guarding her loyally as I stood besides her and I smiled softly ruffling Seras's hair. "Well done Seras; I knew you would get through to him."

"I wouldn't have been able to if you hadn't taken your shot; may I ask why you didn't go for the kill shot?"

I chuckled softly putting different bullets in my gun. "Because that had to be Alucard's job...him and Anderson have been fighting for years that it is only fair that Alucard is the one to finish Anderson's time in this world."

Seras smiled softly as she understood we watched as Alucard and Anderson spoke one last time before Alucard spoke Amen at the end of Anderson's prayer.

I froze when two new figures took the stage and I felt sick to my stomach when I saw the younger version of my father and a younger Walter causing me to growl under my breath as I sent my gun back to my shadows and moved jumping down to Alucard's side as the Major landed/crashed his ship to the ground letting Seras and Integra go on board as myself and Alucard dealt with the two males in front of us.

I smiled when we turned our backs to Walter and my father both kneeling to Integra as Alucard spoke to Integra. I smirked knowing that Alucard was asking for his and my orders again.

"Your orders our master; what were your orders again? We are both ready and willing; we hold the guns and all you need to do is pull the trigger." Alucard smirked as he spoke Walter spoke up from behind us.


I sneered and heard my father chuckle and I noticed his gloves and cursed.

"My servants Alucard and Sora! Do not let these two leave here! Make their blood spill and cover the ground! No matter what! No matter who it may be! Do not let any of these monsters leave!" Integra shouted giving her orders but even I could see her tears as the two males behind us chuckled.

I stood and smiled to Integra. "Leave my father to me Sir Integra...the man I knew is no more; all that stands in front of me now is a monster." I turned glaring to my father as I slid my own gloves on.

Alucard smirked. "Go with our master...Seras. Go end this nightmare that man has created."

Seras looked to Walter sadly. "W-Walter...thank you for everything that you have done for me and for being my first friend. Farewell Walter."

Walter looked shocked before he gave a soft smile bowing his head a little. "Farewell to you as well Seras; it has been a pleasure to know you."

I smiled softly and motioned for Seras to get going and I looked to my father and Walter. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop them from turning you into these both truly had more honour as the humans you were. Alucard I'll let you deal with Walter."

My father smiled softly and he followed me as we moved away from Alucard and Walter's fight as I heard Alucard teasing Walter about all three of us women in Hellsing were now his and his alone...for Walter was now lost to us. I stopped as myself and my father got to our old fighting grounds. "I'm sorry I failed you back then and now father."

"Don't be sorry Sora; you truly grew up to be a wonderful young look like your mother. Come show me how much stronger you have gotten without me at your side." My father spoke seriously and I saw his wires as I summoned mine before we started fighting.

I had used my wires to make a shield around myself and tried to land a hit on my father both of us so far were on equal grounds as we fought neither of us landing a hit easily on the other and both able to deflect and block before we could do any real damage.

"You truly have gotten stronger; Walter said he trained you for awhile I'm glad. I'm sorry I had to shoot you but...I did it to keep you alive and able to take on whatever got sent your way for this war. To know that you are Alucard's mate I found amusing...someone I will hurt to get to him."

I smirked darkly. "You think you can defeat me? Your wrong father, I will never let the low likes of you defeat me." Having used my shadows and hit my father as I sent him flying into a house and smirked seeing that I finally managed to make some damage. "I wonder just how long that body of yours will last; I know it's failing I could see it in our fight." Smirking at him and I blocked with my wires.

My father cursed as his body was indeed failing and he paled when blood started coming in rivers around us and I was allowed some as well to replenish myself before I kept fighting. "How?!"

"You underestimated Alucard; he will win today...the mistake you made was thinking a fake vampire like yourself stood any chance against a real vampire like myself. Today I am your death." I spoke with hatred in my voice as I used the shadows and teleported fighting my father as I came having my own made gun that I had upgraded by some friends and pulled the trigger killing my father.

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