Chapter 11

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Sora's P.O.V
I was amazed with the hotel we arrived at; you could tell that it was high class and I held Alucard's arm as we walked in and too the front desk.

"I believe I have a reservation here." Alucard spoke with a confident but suave voice which made me blush softly.

Apparently the boy couldn't help but blush as well as he looked to his computer and typed in finding our rented room which turned out to be the top floor.

After a little hassle and Alucard using his powers on the boy we were on our way to the top floor and I sighed softly still worried about what could happen. I could feel my heart beating faster in my chest till I felt Alucard's hand on my back as we walked off the elevator and went to our room.

I felt myself calm down and looked to Alucard. "Thank you."

"Your welcome." He walked in behind me before he moved to sit down removing his jacket.

Pip had a look of shock on his face. "Jeez you three are lucky this room is so much better then the trash hotel I'm staying at."

"Those trash hotels are usually better places to be." Alucard spoke amused as he saw that Pip didn't believe him before Pip left to go to his own hotel.

I sighed softly as I moved to my room. "I'm going to go get ready."

"Probably a good idea; I have a feeling the fun will soon begin." Alucard chuckled as he headed into the bathroom and I knew he was getting changed as I close my door then the curtains to be safe and I quickly started getting changed.

I put my hair in a ponytail so it wouldn't get in my face as I fought later on. I then moved doing a check over on my weapons which I had cleaned before we left Hellsing and stopped when I heard a loud noise outside my window and silently cursed to myself as I finished grabbing my weapons and getting them on myself.

I moved and froze when I heard yelling and banging on Alucard's door in his and Sears's bedroom that mine connected too. 'Alucard?' I spoke mentally knowing he would hear me.

'Stay in your room Sora; the first wave of attack is here.' Alucard replies before he got to work killing the enemy.

I was curious and tried to see through a small crack I made in my door and slightly smirked seeing the fear on the cops faces as Alucard was all but slaughtering them.

Alucard smirked as he had one left in his room before he frowned when I heard a shot and shook my head knowing the last man just killed himself.

"You two can come out now." Alucard spoke up and I entered his room from mine having my sniper rifle with me and looked over from a cupboard as Seras came out and I wondered when she got there.

Seras was shocked seeing the dead  cops around her. "Their just...human..."

"Does that matter police girl? They came after us with the intent to kill me, you and Sora. Their just dogs following someone else's orders!" Alucard was getting ticked.

I moved and grabbed Alucard's arm when he had grabbed Seras by the collar of her shirt. "Alucard! Enough! She's scared as it is; I bet she isn't use to the amount of death that you have seen!"

Alucard froze when I finally yelled at him as I was protecting Seras from his anger. I didn't flinch when Alucard glared and gave a low but dangerous growl letting me know that I was treading on thin ice.

He eventually let Seras go before he went to call Integra to annoy her and I sighed softly kneeling looking to Seras and smiled softly.

"It's alright; truth be told I don't like blood shed any better then you do." Helping Seras to get feet.

She looked surprised. "Really? But your a hunter."

"Doesn't mean a lot; sure that Alucard is used to it but he's been doing this for centuries and Walter has decades under his belt. But I do know that it still gets to Integra once in awhile." I walked with Seras and listened to Alucard talking with Integra before he laughed when she yelled.

I shook my head seeing the joy on his face but I could also tell that his blood lust was through the roof. "I'll take the stairs with Seras and we'll meet you up on the roof; hopefully Pip will be here with a helicopter."

Alucard smirked. "I'm going to go check out; follow me into the darkness as far as you dare go." He left to go finish off the remaining soldiers in the hotel.

I looked to Seras and nudged her to get moving as it didn't take long for gun shots and screams to ring through the hallways. I led Seras up the stairs my hand gun in my hand and ready as my sniper rifle sat on my back.

I hurried up the stairs with Seras who had her cannon with her and I winced as a shake came from the roof. "Come on." I hurried up and slowly opened the door and moved to the side and moved to the side being weary of the man that Alucard was fighting and talking with.

I slid my hand gun into it's holster not wanting to take a chance and summoned my wires forming a shield for myself and Seras. I motioned for Seras to take a shot the minute the man who I heard was called Dandy Man moved away to dodge an attack and Seras shot towards him and I cursed seeing magic cards.

"Well that's not fair." Moving as he threw cards at us and I made a shield smirking when his cards couldn't get through. "Missed." Using my wires and tossed him at Alucard who caught and fed from Dandy Man just as Pip arrived with the helicopter.

"Let's get out of here!" Pip yelled and kicked down a rope I made Seras go first and climbed up behind her.

I looked down and was shocked seeing Alucard was on fire. "Alucard!" Watching as the flames became extinguished I shivered and took my seat as I held my sniper rifle on my lap and aimed it out the door till Alucard joined us.

I was alert with Pip as we had the captain fly us away from the hot spot and noticed that Alucard was quiet. 'Are you alright?' I spoke mentally so no one else could hear us.

'Were you worried my dear?' He spoke amused and I looked to him quickly seeing the amusement was showing.

I quickly looked away hugging softly. 'Of course I was you giant; it doesn't matter what species we are we're still team mates and I don't want to loose anyone I'm working with.'

'It will take a lot more to get rid of me Sora; don't worry I'm alright and already healed.'

'What the heck was done to you Alucard? Everything so far that should kill the average vampire and freaks doesn't kill you.'

'That's because those that experimented on me made sure that those things couldn't kill me. And the amount of souls that I have taken into myself also helps out. The amount of years I have been alive I have many souls in myself.' Alucard spoke as the helicopter landed at an abandoned building and we all quickly headed in as Alucard made the man forget where we were.

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