Chapter 21

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Sora's P.O.V
By the time I finished my fighting I noticed that something was wrong and hurried back towards where Alucard had been fighting and I gasped seeing he was fading away as I landed. "Alucard!"

"Forgive me Sora...guard our family." Alucard smiled sadly as I had barely touched him before he vanished all together.

I whimpered as I heard Integra yelling for Alucard and I hurried to her side as I glared at the Major. "You monster have destroyed to many lives."

Major smirked. "You should thank me; I let you talk to your father one last time." He chuckled as I growled and Integra broke the glass between them before she shot the Major.

I looked to Seras and nodded my head as she grabbed Integra before we left just as we got outside there was an explosion I knew Walter had died moments before I got to Integra and Seras. We took Integra home and as we landed the last two members of Wild Geese came over as I smiled sadly to them giving them gentle hugs before we got to work tending to their wounds and Integra's.

I had tended to Integra as gently as I could and sighed softly knowing her sight was gone. "There you go master; the wound will heal but the sight in your eye is permanently gone."

"I figured it would be; are you alright after...seeing your father back there? And loosing those dear to you?" She spoke sadly but she was hurting like the rest of us.

I sighed softly sitting in a chair that I managed to find undamaged as I nodded my head. "I' hurts to loose so many people in such a short amount of time; but I do believe Seras that Alucard will return to us one day and until that day I can wait. I have two live soldiers from the Wild Geese and you along with Seras are alive, plus myself and Seras have a familiar each from the Wild Geese that's what will help me get through this next little while of pain. I'll miss my friends but...they wouldn't want me to mourn them too long I know that."  Smiling softly as I saw Integra crying and I understood since Alucard had been with her for years.

Once I left Integra so she could rest as our medics made sure she wouldn't feel pain today I went back to the location of the war and kneeled retrieving the block with Alucard's seal and his neck tie before going home and Seras greeted me as we entered Alucard's chambers and placed the stone with the tie around it before we walked out.

I sighed softly as we locked the door up and went to help get to work we knew we had a lot of work ahead of us and London had lots of rebuilding and so did Hellsing.

I went and started gathering the dead so we could give them proper burials and I moved grabbing Pip's body laying him with his brothers that passed and covered him with a white sheet. I looked to the men when they walked over and I stood sighing softly. "What's up?"

"We need to talk to you Sora...and if you agree we'll be staying here. Pip had been talking with a few of us since we found out that this was going to be a war and well we knew that...there was a high risk of dying. If anyone had survived, Pip wanted you to become the new captain to the Wild Geese."

I was shocked and looked to the letter they had and I smiled softly before I looked to see we had a couple more wounded putting us at about five people all together that had survived and I smiled nodding my head. "It would be an honour; I know he's Seras's familiar he's still aware so I'll...I'll ask Seras if I can talk to him later."

They smiled and we all gave hugs I had made sure that they went to rest as well before I went to find Seras and smiled getting a couple bags of blood as we both drank and I leaned against a counter. "May I talk to Pip please."

Seras looked up surprised but smiled letting Pip out and he was grinning. "What's going on? Did something happen to the others?" Seras was curious but worried.

Pip chuckled shaking his head. "No Seras...she came to talk about the will that I left should have anything happened to me and any of the Geese survived they would need a new captain someone we can all trust and knows what to do in these situations with a good head on their shoulders. I picked Sora; she knows how we work and she came command the group just as good as the next person."

I smiled softly as I nodded my head. "I'll accept the position but; your still the captain as well. You know how to encourage those men more then I do. And you along with Seras will also help with training any newbies in the future understood?"

Pip smirked and he looked at Seras who smiled happily nodding her head in agreement before he looked to me. "Then we have a deal?"

I giggled. "We have a deal; I also have an idea how to strengthen our defences and I have been talking with our second in command that is my familiar (Leo) and we both agree that since Pip and Leo are familiars they would be able to protect the entire estate and property together like a security but more advanced."

Seras thought of it and she smiled. "That would work; it would give us a way to know when danger is close and they can give us numbers as well. What do you think Pip?"

"It will work ladies; where is Leo? I thought he would have made an appearance or is he being his typical self?" Pip smirked when Leo appeared and flipped him off causing him to chuckle.

Leo smirked. "No I was making sure she was healing still; she took a little bit of damage during the fighting and is exhausted as I'm sure Seras is well and the sun is out. Let them rest; it's not going to be an easy time for awhile correct Sora?"

"Yeah we have a lot of things to do and I'm thinking of asking Integra if she wants us to collect of the memorabilia of the war for the museum that we will show to the new soldiers that will come here. I'm thinking introductions and the start of the training you can handle Seras and Pip; myself and Leo will deal with training those for the Geese and older soldiers or those with a talent that would be better with sniping or fighting we'll deal with that and anyone that we think that would be good with communications can be trained but we'll talk with Integra when we're all awake and see what we can do. Not to mention we'll be dealing with the knights of the round table and the queen and whoever else; so let's get some rest. And Seras, Pip, Leo...I'm proud of you three you truly kicked ass." I smiled to them and giggled when they tackled me in a hug.

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