Chapter 3

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Sora's P.O.V
It didn't take us long to get settled into our wing. We had our own little living/gathering room where I was stretched out on a couch with my eyes closed and grunted when I felt a weight on my and I opened my eyes seeing Pip.

"What do you want Pip? Can you get off your heavy?" I pushed him and heard him chuckle.

"I'm curious ma Cher; how did you know about vampires? Why did they hire you to come here Sora?" He stood in front of me and I sighed as I sat up.

"Well I've known about supernatural all my life; why do you think my father is in hospital? Because it was a vampire that day who did that to my father and I killed that vampire the same day only minutes after he harmed my father. When we met I was on a mission I was hired by the people to go onto the opposite side of town because children and young adults were vanishing...the children were completely dead but the older people were ghouls or other vampires with a sire bond to the main vampire. I did my job and eliminated them forever." I explained knowing they deserved the truth.

Pip frowned before he walked over and forced me to sit up before he sat and hugged me close. "Pip?" Wondering What was going on with him.

"Have you been alone this entire time? Without someone there to cover your back? Why didn't you tell us when we met you then; we would have brought you with us no one is born to be alone not even you Sora." Pip spoke seriously.

I didn't looked to the guys as they gathered and saw them smiling and nodding in agreement. I whimpered softly tears in my eyes never imagining I would have a chance of finding a family. Now I see that they would have my back just like I would have theirs. "Thank you." I giggled as they brought me into a group hug I was laughing happily with tears in my eyes.

Pip smiled and chuckled bringing me back as he tickled me causing me to laugh as I tried to escape and the guys laughed as I got away and he gave chase I was only quicker just barely till Pip caught me again.

"Well now shall we go get something to eat guys? Sora?" Pip smiled as he put me down and we all cheered agreeing before we got our wallets and phones before we headed out in search of somewhere to eat.

As we walked out to the front doors I felt that we were being watched and stopped looking back towards the top of the stairs in the main lobby I saw Integra, Walter and Alucard watching us. I saw the smirk Alucard gave before I looked to Integra. "We'll be back just going to find something to eat."

"Very well; make sure to let the guards know." Integra spoke and I nodded my head.

I followed the guys out as they started a couple vehicles and I hopped in as buckled up. When we got to the main gate I let them know when to expect us back before they let us out and we went to find some place to eat.

I watched as we drove around when the second in command found a place that sold fish fries and chips. "Nice little place." Getting out as we walked into the little place and were greeted warmly and seated. "So anyone up for a game of cards while we have our meal."

I smiled as we all chose BlackJack and to be fair I opened my brand new package of cards and shuffled them letting two other guys shuffle before I dealt out the cards. I knew that we were all cheating and I hid my cards since I sat in the corner of our table no one else could see.

Alucard's P.O.V
Alucard watched with Integra and Walter as the group went to get something to eat. Alucard, Integra and Walter hadn't made any noise when Alucard heard the group walking down below.

He smirked when he noticed Sora once again stopped sensing them above and had looked back. He couldn't help but smirk when his suspicions were correct that Sora was indeed a strong hunter.

After she let Integra know where they were going Alucard looked to his master. "What do you think Integra?"

"Your not wrong she's alert of her surroundings; almost makes me wonder what she's like then when she rests. Alucard later tonight when she's asleep see if you can get into her room without her knowing." Integra spoke as they walked to her office.

Alucard nodded his head. "It would be a pleasure master." Alucard headed to his room where he sat on his throne and grabbed a bag of blood drinking it and thinking about Sora.

In all his years as both human then vampire there was only one woman that caught his attention. But now after centuries of being alone he finally found his true blood singer. It was both good and bad; good cause he wanted to win her heart but bad since she was human she could be killed unless she was a virgin and could be turned to a vampire.

Alucard frowned at the thought of Sora's life being put into danger. She was young and full of life but when he read her reports he saw someone that had been hurt and now only lived for the hunt.

Alucard sighed softly as he closed his eyes. "What is she doing to me?" He hadn't felt this way in a long time all he knew was that he needed time to talk to her.

Sora's P.O.V
I smirked when I won the card game and used the money I won to pay for all of us. "Remember it takes a cheater to beat a cheater. You's were good just not that good."

Pip chuckled. "So we noticed." Getting into the truck he came in with me in the passenger seat. By now the sun was setting and we headed back to Hellsing alert for danger.

As we got back we parked our trucks where they told us too and walked inside going to our wing and I walked into my room and opened the curtain seeing the beauty of the night.

I closed my door deciding a nice hot shower was in order. I grabbed a different change of clothes and a towel before I walked into the bathroom closing and locking the door to be certain no one could get in.

Well the most I would have to worry about is a certain male vampire. A vampire who's been on my mind all day and it was becoming irritating.

I didn't know why Alucard was in my mind and I froze hearing a chuckle in my head. "Get out of my head Alucard; or shall I stake you a couple times? I know it won't kill you but it will make me feel better."

"Your not wrong human; it would not kill me. Nothing can kill me huntress." His voice came from behind me and I spun elbowing him hard in the ribs hearing his laughter as I glared at him.

I winced when he moved quickly pinning me and was sniffing my neck causing me to tense. "Don't even think about drinking my blood." I had gun still on me and had managed to aim it at his heart.

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