Chapter 9

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(Ring Sora is wearing for the mission)

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(Ring Sora is wearing for the mission)

Sora's P.O.V
I was sitting on the plane across from Alucard but besides Pip who was currently reading a newspaper and I looked to Alucard who by the way he was dressed you couldn't tell that he was a vampire.

I looked to the ring that Alucard had dropped off for me before we left. It felt odd to be dressed up from wearing a dress to the torturous high heels. But the ring was breath taking and I silently chuckled to myself as the red of the ring reminded me of Alucard's eyes and the blood he would shed and drink; the black for where Alucard felt at home in the darkness.

"A suave vampire drinking wine on a plane that's a new one." Pip spoke as he looked over the newspaper he was currently reading.

Alucard chuckled softly. "Blood wine; it is delicious."

I wrinkled my nose at his comment. "Excuse is if we don't care for your blood wine Alucard; after all we're just humans." I looked out the jet window wondering how rich Hellsing was we were on a private jet as no doubt for the best as Seras was in her coffin on the plane and Alucard's coffin was with us.

Pip looked towards the coffin's skeptically. "Vampires sleep in coffins? What else do they twinkle in sunlight?"

Alucard made a disgruntled face before he stopped when he heard me giggling and looked my way. 

As I calmed slowly a smile still on my face as I spoke up. "No only vampires in Twilight sparkle; that's  all fake. The vampires in our world drink blood to keep themselves strong and they can withstand daylight; the currency of vampirism is blood and that means to take ones soul into themselves; their coffins are filled with the soil of their birth place to help keep them strong and safe during the day time. I can only imagine how many times someone would have to kill Alucard before they could truly kill him. But then again I know how long Alucard has been around."

"Oh and how long have I been around Ms.Nightingale?" Alucard spoke with a slight smirk on his face.

I looked to him seriously. "Your name spelt backwards is Dracula; Dracula was the prince of Walachia. That kingdom was destroyed around 600 years ago give or take a few years. May I ask though? How did you come to be the pet of Hellsing?"

Alucard chuckled. "Someone's done her homework very well; think of the Bram Stoker boom who was it that stopped me in that book?"

I thought and it dawned on me. "Abraham Van Helsing; the legendary hunter. He was said to have been the one to stop you; he didn't kill you he captured you. But what did they do after that?"

"For a long time I was put to sleep until Integra's father had awakened me when he started running tests. To make me indestructible; after World War Two he deemed me to dangerous and put me to sleep until three days after his death Integra had been trying to hide from her uncle. Just as she opened the door to my cell he shot her shoulder the blood landed in my mouth awakening me and from then on I become her most loyal servant."

I listened and wondered where Walter was and decided to ask. "Why wasn't Walter protecting her?"

"He was gone on a mission for a few days; no one knew that Integra's uncle would be brave enough to try and kill her. May I ask what made you wonder about Walter?" Alucard looked but I knew he was trying to read my mind but I him blocked out causing him to smirk. "Your good at blocking your mind."

"Practice; I only wonder when I know when certain people are missing. I'm sure even you understand that I don't want to assume that there are any traitors in Hellsing or any other group. I've been there and done that." Frowning when my phone went off and I opened it and froze reading the text and moved to Sir besides Alucard letting him read it. The text was from my father's phone that shouldn't have been possible since I had cancelled it.

'You should be watching yourself daughter; Hellsing will fall and you will fall along side them.'

I was nervous getting a bad feeling that something was coming and it was going to test all of us; push us to the breaking point of our physical and mental strength.

Alucard took and shut my phone off Seeing that I was allowing my mind to wonder the minute he heard my mind he went into a protective mode just like the night my father went missing. He had slipped my phone into his pocket for now and held me close.

"Sora don't let the enemy play with you; they want to mess with you and make you weak. Your no where near of being a weak woman; that text was a taunt. Their pushing your buttons to see what it will take to break you don't let them win; be the stronger person and show them they can't get through your defences." Alucard spoke making me look at him and I saw that his glasses were off as Pip was giving us some privacy by reading his paper.

I looked to Alucard Seeing he was confident and sighed softly. "What the hell do I do? They know I'm helping. There should have been no way for them to use his phone or even find it. I cancelled it and only I knew where I hid it...the only other person aside from me Knowing would be my father..." I was ticked that Millenium had the guts to do this to my father.

Alucard's P.O.V
Alucard looked to Sora he could tell she was scared and upset he didn't like that she was like this. She was a strong woman in his eyes and to see her like this not once but twice in a few days ticked him.

Alucard sighed removing his jacket and placed it over Sora and brought her close to him. "Don't worry about that for now Sora; we'll deal with it together. For now I suggest that yourself and Pip get some rest you'll need all the rest you can get between now and to the time we get to the hotel."

Pip had snuck to the back to sleep as Alucard kept Sora close to him seeing that she was struggling to stay awake. Alucard sighed softly as he used his powers making Sora sleep.

He kept Sora close as he relaxed closing his eyes listening to Sora's calm and slow heart beat that got slower till he knew that she was sound asleep. He moved a little and froze hearing Sora's heart beat raise up and her hands clenched his suit.

He wondered what made her trust him so easily; him a monster that no human should trust. He took many lives of which many of those were humans; the human though against him had studied much in her life time she figured out his age roughly and was just as curious of his past.

He noticed that she dropped her guard easily around him not one but twice like this; he could easily harm her or feed from her but he didn't want too. With Sora he wanted to keep her safe and this mission he would be more diligent then ever with her; this mission even he had a bad feeling that something was going to happen...not to himself. But to Sora; his mate.

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