Chapter 18

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Sora's P.O.V
The next day after a night of training with Alucard for basically all the night I had been woken up by Alucard moments before he had to leave for a solo mission. I knew that he would be alright...after he had left I had gotten up and ready for the night when I also got word that Integra and Walter had left for some important meeting no doubt it was about the up coming war.

I had joined Seras and the Wild Geese in the HQ and communication/surveillance centre as we were coming up with plans and ways of protecting the mansion. I had received a new handgun, sniper rifle and a cannon like Seras. Myself and Seras would be standing on the roof incase of air attacks which would be very likely since the mansion was a little farther in town and the enemy would think we wouldn't be ready for their pathetic attack.

I had gone outside with some of the Geese where we had been setting up trip wires to bombs that were either underground or tied to nearby trees. The trip wire was so thin that it looked almost like silk and those that didn't and couldn't see it could easily fall into the false safety that we had made with the area. I had Seras bring our cannons to the roof just to be on the safe side...both our guns held the Hellsing symbol proudly but Walter had added my family's last name to my guns which I had thanked the elderly gentleman in thanks as it meant the world to me.

By the time we had everything ready I could feel a change in the air and looked towards London that we could see from the upstairs windows and I silently cursed when explosions sounded and I looked to Pip. "Get all the men into place; it seem's it's time for myself and Seras to head to the roof." I looked around to the group of men and smiled softly. "There's a chance not everyone will survive...I can't tell you's how grateful I am to know so many amazing people that I want to say thank you for taking me into your family. If we don't meet after this war then I just want to truly say...thank you for being my brothers and comrades you gave me a shot and a reason to keep fighting all these years."

Pip had looked surprised with the men before they all smiled and before I left to go join Seras who had left to guard the roof I gave hugs and the last was Pip both of us silently giving a look to one another that we kick butt and return back in one piece. As I headed to the roof I couldn't help the bad feeling I kept getting and at this point I wish I could cry but didn't allow myself as I grabbed my cannon and stood by Seras.

By this point Seras and Pip were talking which was funny which she just scolded him by telling him to call her Seras that I couldn't help to chuckle.

"Pip did you need ice for that burn?" I spoke with a smirk on my face as I heard him scoff.

"No thank you." Pip replied before he resumed talking to Seras as he locked our cannons onto our targets and fired at Pip's orders.

I smirked when the blimp came down hitting the yard that held trip wire and it caused one heck of an explosion. I had moved positions and started snipering and taking out many of the enemy number in groups or three or four. I sneered when they broke in but I kept working till I got my gun into my shadows and moved to use my wires as the men inside fought against a woman who called herself Zorin I could hear the screams and smell the blood as I headed in after finishing up outside.

I moved a couple of our men away when Seras had fought Zorin loosing her eyes but what broke my heart was when Pip tried to save her and he got fatally wounded by Zorin'd scythe causing me to growl as I shot the woman who healed slowly as I moved fighting her.

I knew Pip would make Seras drink his blood so in a way he would still be here but only as a familiar. I growled punching Zorin hard through a wall and saw blood moving towards Seras as I smirked darkly at Zorin.

"I must thank you...not for killing the men that I called my brothers...but for helping Seras find her will to feed and become even more fearsome then you Zorin. She will make sure that you meet your end here tonight." I moved to the side and looked to Seras before I went and guarded the men that remained alive.

We all watched Seras fight and I couldn't help but smirk as she was beating the hell out of Zorin making me so proud of Seras. She had finally become a true vampire...I saw only two men alive from the Wild Geese and I smiled sadly to them before looking to our dead.

"They died as they lived...fighting with everything they were worth and so much more. When this is said and done with we'll give them proper burials and they will be remembered for as long as we all live. I wish I could stay here but...Integra and Walter are still in that burning city; myself and Seras neee to get going can I trust you's to be alright here?"

The shorter male smiled softly as he nodded his head. "We'll be alright Sora; defeat those monsters and get payback for your father and for our fallen comrades here today." He looked to see Seras watching sadly. "Don't be sad I'm sure Pip would be proud of the strong vampire you have become...he would be proud of you both. Go ahead you two we'll handle things here."

I nodded my head smiling softly before I ran jumping and followed Seras towards Integra's scent. I sneered as myself and Seras sent the Iscariot members flying when they had tried attacking Integra.

I glared at Father Anderson smirking a little. "Now now Anderson that was very rude; please control your mutts or I shall I kill them now to save myself the those I protect."

Seras and I smirked with the red showing in our eyes and the glint of happiness showing when Anderson told us that we were truly fearsome creatures which in a way was true. Seras's and my days as humans were over, we were now vampires with a mission to protect Integra with all we had.

I smirked when we found Integra and Seras had made sure she was protected as I landed besides Integra and Seras. "Sorry for being late sir; the mansion took lots of damage and only two members of the Wild Geese remain alive...Pip was killed."

Integra looked to Seras seriously. "I assume you drank his blood Seras."

"Yes that's right...he is always with me now Sir Integra." Seras smiled and looked when Anderson told his men to stand down.

"Seras Victoria and Sora Nightingale a famed huntress both draculina's and are becoming such fierce creatures you both like you have seen the pits of hell with those red eyes." Anderson spoke smirking.

I smirked with Seras as I looked to her proudly as well. I knew that Pip was her familiar and in a way my family with still alive even if he wasn't truly alive. "Your not wrong Anderson; we truly are now something to fear. But we're not all here yet and I'm sure you can see that as well."

Seras grinned. "I'll never be afraid again and I'm stronger all the time." She spoke happily before she froze as I did along with Anderson all looking towards the bay where the bridge was. Seras gasped happily. "He's here."

Anderson chuckled. "It's all come to naught." He laughed as he vanished in a blast of his papers.

I looked to Seras then Integra seriously. "Come Seras it's time to get Sir Integra to safety." I knew that it now Alucard was here he would start to stop this hell.

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