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"Anyways!" Shinsou's face had become a bright pink. "Uh [y/n] and I are ganna run to her place and get her stuff. ......if it's okay with you [y/n] I was thinking you should stay with us until your mom returns."

"Uh yeah that's fine with me."

"Alright then. Well then get going." Another male said, then a blond came out and I immediately recognized him as President Mic.

We left and went to my house. It felt weird wearing his underwear. That's all I have to say.

We went in and I got a bag and stuffed a weeks worth of clothes in and pads just in case. Then I went out to the living room where Shinsou was waiting for me and looking around. "So bare.." I was confused for a second bofor realizing what he ment. The walls were entirely bare. There wasn't a picture of anyone in sight.

"Ah yeah... we don't really decorate.... or put stuff up at all." I glanced around the place myself really taking it in. Oh! She took all her stuff. Even the furniture. Everything that wasn't mine was gone. There were Bill's on the floor. I went and picked one up and looked. Oh... she wasn't planning on coming come. Ever again.

I turned to Hitoshi. "Yeah..." he said "how about we grab all your stuff?"

"Maybe tomorrow or something. Or not... I don't think there's anywhere for me to go." I stared blankly at him. I can't believe my mother left me. But I'm not ganna think too much about it cause it doesn't matter now. No one cares, so why should I? I'll have to make a way so that I can get in and out because eventually there'll be rent to pay but I won't have the money to pay it. Maybe break a window on the back or something. I don't know but I'm on my own now. And eventually the water's ganna get turned off. I'll have to look at the bills to figure out when. I stuffed all the bills in my bag.

I looked back at Shinsou who was watching me. "You okay?" There was concern all over his face but I didn't let even a peek of emotions slip out.

"Never better." He didn't seem convinced.

"Come on. Give me that." He took my bag of clothes and stuff. "Let's go get some icecream." I could still see the concern in his face but he put on a smile. And honest to god his husky voice did not match his sweet face right now. Why he was being sweet and outgoing right now was beyond me. He had no reason to help me, but he still was.

We left the house and went to the small icecream shop. He got us both ice cream, then we walked over to a bench and sat down eating icecream. I sat there licking my icecream, thinking. "Listen [y/n] you don't have to bottle up your emotions." He tried to say.

"I don't know what your talking about." I didn't look up. I finished eating my icecream.

".....have it your way then... I guess I'll just be along for the ride." He finished his too. The sun was in the center of the sky now. "Wanna just walk for a couple hours [y/n]?" He asked.

"Sure" I didn't really care, gives me something to do.

Hours later the sun was going down and we both stopped to watch it. It was beautiful. Purple, pink, orange, and yellow colors stretched across the sky and the clouds in the sky. Oh it looked like heaven was right there. Just barley out of reach. I wander wander if dad's right there at the edge looking back at me.

A tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek. Then suddenly I saw a flash and I glanced over at Shinsou and he was holding his phone up. "Sorry. I hope you don't mind I took a picture of the Sunset, didn't mean it to flash at you. Heh." He smiled softly. I nodded. "Let's get back home now then."

"Good idea" I agreed.

[699 words.]

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