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[Y/n] POV

On Monday we walked to school together in silence. I don't know what he was thinking but whatever it was he was cheerful about it. As we walked I listened to our breathing. I wandered if he had thought about that kiss since it happened. Did he think we were dating at all? No that can't be the case he isn't acting like some kind of wanna be couple. Huh maybe he was just happy that it's a nice day. I don't know.

I hadn't realized I had been staring at him till he turned and stared back at me. Hid beautiful violet eyes glancing to my hurt shoulder then back to my face. I stared into the white pupil of his eyes. His eyes alone could scare normal people away if they didn't know him. But he wasn't a scary person. Or maybe he was, guess I don't know him well enough to know. But he seems kind at heart. After a few more moments of us just staring in silence we both turned away.

When we got so close to the school I stopped. Then he stopped and looked at me again. "What is it?" He asked.

"Go ahead of me." I said while looking straight ahead at the school. He didn't move. He just stood there.

".....fine" he finally turned and continued walking then went into school. After a while I continued and went in too.

Justin came into view and grabbed me by the neck. "Hello little girl." He said. I just stood there glaring at him. "Someone having a rough day~?" he then jabbed his fingers into my eyes and I let out a cry of pain and covered my eyes. "Shut it bitch." He grabbed my shoulder hard and put pressure on the wounds. I fell to my knees to try to get out of reach. Then he kicked my back and I screamed. Pain soared through me.

I couldn't see so I just tried to crawl away but then a hand grabbed my hair and stood me up and held me hanging in the air by my hair. "You are my bitch. Get that through your thick scull. Then there was breathing on my neck then someone or something bit into my neck like I was a piece of steak. I screamed more as pain engulfed my neck.

Shinsou's POV

I was walking the halls in boredom when I heard [Y/n]'s scream. I ran back to the front of the school to see a guy pick her up by her hair then bite into her neck. I was shocked at the sight. But then rage pulsed through my blood, my blood boiling in my veins.

I ran forward and shoved people out of the way and I jumped at him and we went tumbling across the floor. My rage made me black out.

[Y/n]'s POV

He had let go of my hair. I blinked through the pain on my eyes and looked around. Hitoshi was now on top of Justin, beating the shot out of him. Then they switched places, continually throwing punches. Their faces were both bruised and bloody.

"Shinsou!" I cried out. I didn't want anyone dealing with my problems except for me.

Then he was back on top of Justin, he was now strangling Justin. I got up and limped over and tried to pull Hitoshi off. But no matter what I did he wouldn't budge.

Aizawa was now here and he pulled Shinsou off an unconscious Justin. "Was there anyone else involved in this fight?" He asked. Then everyone pointed at me. "[Y/n]?"

"Yes.." I rubbed my eyes. I now had a migraine.

"No." Shinsou spat. "Just him. But she needs to go to the nurses." He then turned me so Aizawa could see the gash in my neck.

Izuku stepped up. "He also jabbed her in the eyes..." he then turned and walked away not sure what else to do.

The three of us were taken to the nurses office. Not a word was spoken. Aizawa stared confused at how we were involved in a fight. But he soon left cause the bell range and he had to be in class.

[716 words.]

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