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(The pj's he is wearing in this picture is what she or you is wearing rn🤣)

left his room and went into the living room. And sat on the couch very carefully because Izawa was there asleep again.

A little bit later Izawa seemed to have woken up because he asked, "did he kick you out of his room or something?"

"Did I wake you?!" I really hope I didn't.

"No, but I woke up anyways."


"So? What happened? Why are you out here?"

"Well um.... it's complicated.... I didn't want to... um... it... he-"

Shinso had stepped into the room. "I'm sorry about that. I swear it was an accident."

"What was an accident?" Izawa asked.

"I uh.... nothing." He seemed to just realized Izawa was here too, "well um I should get some clothes for [y/n] before we go back to her place to get some of her stuff."

"...." Izawa looked at me and I looked at the floor. "I know you two were making out, but what could possibly ha-..... never mind." He hid in his cocoon. Great. I suspect he has a pretty good idea of what happened. I really didn't want that to happen. Oh well too late now, not like it's killing anyone. Except me.

(Sorry for the really short chapter, I've been under a lot of stress with moving and family problems along with friend problems. It would make me really happy and would encourage me to write more if you guys liked the story and comment your opinions. Although I hope I don't get any hate comments I will still read your comment because whether your hating me or not it still takes energy to type a comment and tell me what you think and if your taking your time to write a comment then ima take the time to read it no matter what. .....sorry I'm babbling. Just please remember to like this if you like it.)

[332 words.]

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