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At Shinsous house he put me down for a few seconds before picking me up again and carried me bridal style to the bathroom. On the way there I got a glimpse of the house. It was a vary nice house, I mean it was a little messy here and there but it it was very nice. Then we passed a set of stairs. I didn't think it was two story when looking at it from the outside.

Once in the bathroom I glanced at Shinsou as he placed me on the counter top. "So, uh, what could I do to help?"

"Just stay still." He nervously smiled at me. He ran a Washcloth under water then brushed it vary gently against my back. I hadn't realized how bad my back was until the cloth touched it.

"Ow!" I grimaced and larched forward.


"No, it's fine I just hadn't realized how open the wound was."

"How about you stay the night? Then you could take a shower and I could check up on you. What do you think?"

"Umm....well." I didn't have to answer that question yet because Mr. Izawa just walked to the doorway of the bath room.

"What are you doing here, and why are you on my counter?"


"It's okay [y/n] calm down. Dad, well, I don't actually know what happened, but she got really hurt, so I brought her home with me." Dad!? He's his dad!?

"Hmm." He then left and was out of sigh when he said. "What ever."

"Dad?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's my dad. We should go and tell him about you staying the night."

"Oh, that's a good idea." He helped me off the counter and we walked to his living room. His dad, Mr. Izawa sensei, was just sitting down on the couch when we came in.

"Hey, Dad?"

"Yes?" Izawa looked at us.

"[y/n] is going to stay the night and take a shower here so that I can keep an eye on her and also because her parents aren't in town at the moment." Shinsou explained.

"Okay. Do her parents know?"

"Uh, I have no way to tell my mom, she left a note saying she would call the day she comes back and she also said she'd be gone for a week."

"Oh. Okay then. Shinsou, treat your guest well." He then leaned agents the side of the couch and started to sleep.

"Hey do you mind borrowing some of my clothes or do you wanna go home and get some of yours?" Shinsou looked to me.

"Uh, I don't mind borrowing, at least not if you don't."

"No it's fine. Follow me and I'll get you something to wear after you get out of the shower. Thank god it's the weekend otherwise we'd have to either go get some of your school clothes. Anyways." He walked up the set of stairs and I followed. He had said that because the whole back of the school's uniform shirt was shredded, even the braw was distroyed. Great. Now I have to go a few days without my braw, unless I can convince him to take me to my house to pick up a few things tomorrow.

[545 words.]

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