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After recovery girl kissed my cheek I was healed completely but was incredibly tired now. I glanced over at Shinsou who was eyeing me. "You should have stayed out of it. It's none of your business." I glared at his grin he obviously couldn't contain.

"[Y/n] he was hurting you." His grin failed away.

"I don't care. It's none of your business. Stay out of it." I said and stuck my nose up. I was headstrong and I knew it, but I'm not going to let anyone stick their own nose in my business and my problems.

He glared at me now pissed off. He eventually looked away. When recovery girl was done with Justin she was headed to heal Shinsou but he hopped off the bed and headed out of the room.

A while later I was walking from class to class not having to worry about Justin yet cause he was in the nurses sleeping. Oh how I should have been ready.

He grabbed me and dragged me down the hall while everyone was staring. That's all they ever do. They just stand there and watch. I was dragged into an empty hall, and the rest was a living nightmare. No one came to my rescue this time. No one could hear my screams or crys. It wasn't over till the end of the day. The sun was going down when he was finally done. And as I layed on the floor exhausted and discussed I saw in his eyes as he looked at me and what he'd done, he finally saw just what kind of monster he was.

"I-I'm.... s-sorry...." he looked honestly sad and disgusted now. But I couldn't move or saw a word. I had lost my breath from screaming, and my body was aching. I just cried. That's all I could do. His face fluctuated in pain and sadness. I didn't know what to do or say. Not after what he had just done. I never wanted to see his ugly face ever again. He was a monster. No matter how sad or distressed he looked I would never forgive him for this. After a while be left.

I layed there for hours just crying. After a while I forced myself to get up and recloth myself. I made it look like nothing happened. Then I walked out limping and went back to Hitoshi's house. No one was out or awake. I went to Hitoshi's room and when I saw him cuddled up to the wall I instantly just wanted to be next to him. So I ran over and got in bed with him, not bothering to change.

I then spent the rest of the night crying into his back. Maybe I did need his help after all. I just didn't like the idea. I didn't want anyone else getting hurt for me.

Shinsou's POV

Since I left the nurses I haven't seen [Y/n] all day except for in a class. I layed in bed as soon as I got home and hit my head against the wall. Did I really mess up that bad?

A few hours later and the sun was going down and I still hadn't moved. Did she hate me now? Hell I never knew if she ever even liked me to begin with. I never got the chance to ask. Or rather i never thought to ask. Where was she? Maybe she went and found someone else to stay with cause she was so mad at me for getting in her business and helping her.

Then a couple hours later i was laying there still facing my wall. Tears now streaking down my face. This is why I don't have friends. Why no one likes me. I never do what they expect me to do. I'm always overstepping my boundaries.

Suddenly my door swung open and I flinched but none the less stayed silent and unmoving. Then the person in the doorway closed the door and ran over and carefully got into bed and cuddled up to my back and began balling. It was [y/n]'s cry's.

I layed there quite for a long time then slowly rolled over and hugged her. I heard a gasp come from her. Guess she thought I was asleep. I layed there cuddling her to my chest. "I'm sorry [Y/n]" I whispered.

"Don't be." She whimpered back. "It's not your fault." She just continued to cry the rest of the night. And I stayed up petting her hair, rubbing her back gently.

[769 words.]

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