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[Y/n]'s POV

While walking down town he suddenly pulled me aside and wall slammed me and kissed me.

WHOA. not something I saw coming from him. I had frozen.

Shinsou's POV

I walked down the road then caught sight of [Y/n].

She was standing against a building jaw locked with a guy that was very much not me. I froze in shock as my heart tightened in my chest painfully and a lump formed in my chest. It hurt to see. But I forced myself to stand there for a few minutes longer to make sure I wasn't missed understanding.

She didn't do anything to pull away. She just stood there. And let him kiss her. The guy then pulled away and whispered something to her. And she spoke back to him. Then hugged him.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I pulled my ear buds out and staggered. "[Y/n]?" I choked out as water started pooling in my eyes, abstruckting my view.

Her eyes snapped up in my direction and her face turned pail as her mouth was ajar in shock, clearly not knowing I was standing here before.

I cleared my throat and blinked away the tears, willing myself to show no emotions. "I see."

[Y/N's POV

I shoved Charlie away from me and stared at Shinsou as his face twisted in disgust and hurt then was almost a blank slate. Fuck. I fucked up. Why didn't I push him away faster!?

"Hitoshi, Baby, It's not what you think."

"Who is he?" Charlie asked and I ignored him.

Shinsou's face twitched with pain as if I had just physically hurt him. "There's a guest room. That's where you'll find your stuff." A tear ran down his cheek and he quickly swiped it away.

"No! Hitoshi! I-... I didn't-...."

"I should have realized it earlier." His face scrunched up as he stared me dead in the eye as another tear ran down his face clearly involuntarily. "You're ashamed of me, so you avoid me. And you've been cheating on me. Or maybe you cheated on him with me. Was I the home wreaker?"

my jaw dropped as he said those awful words. "No!"

"Forget it. I don't care. Move in with him and save me the heart ache. You really are just a slut." He turned and walked away.

Charlie stayed silent at my side. I didn't know what to do. A large lump formed in my throat proventing me from speaking. A sob escaped my lips as tears soaked my face and my heart tightened and I dropped to my knees. I began sobbing uncontrollably. Charlie pulled me off the ground and started carrying me somewhere. I couldn't see where because my eyes we're full of water that wouldn't stop coming.

[473 words]

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