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The bell rang for lunch and I got up and rushed out with everyone hoping Justine would leave me alone with such a crowd. I should have known better than that. As soon as I stepped out of the classroom my shoulder was grabbed and I was yanked back and out of the way of everyone else, on their way to lunch.

I yelped. "What are you doing sneaking around?" Justine growled. "Now that I have you let's go." He dragged me to a hall with a few students. "Here we are." He presented proudly, only I wasn't sure if he was presenting the hall of people to me or me to the people.

"What do you want from me Justine?" I asked in a monotone voice.

"Oh, deary me! Did you lose your emotions again, so soon? It's too bad you were a fun play thing whenever you come to school with emotions every year." He smirked with an evil glint in his eyes. "Probably in hope that I moved. He grabbed my neck with both hands like he was ready to strangle me. "So~ who where you talking to this morning?"

"N-no one!" I refused to say. If he's not already a part of Justin's little game then I'm not going to be the one to bring him into it.

"You little-!" He growled. After walking around me a few times before probably realized time was running out. He grabbed my wrists, put them together and with one hand held them above my head. "Oh, what do we have here? You've grown and didn't tell me?" He indicated to my chest. I froze, with my body quivering.

The bell rung for class to start. "I-I need to get to class..."

"No you don't, I mean you didn't yesterday. So why the sudden urge?" His group left for class.

"I need to go." I mumbled looking to the floor. I know he wanted me to fear him but I didn't fear him, not when I didn't have any emotions to do so. He let go of me bourd now.

"Get out of here before I feel the need to have your shirt." He growled in my direction as I scampered away.

At class I sat down in my desk and to my happiness, nobody asked were I was or why I was late. Izawa stood in front of the class and explained what we where to work on. "Today you'll be getting to know one person and try and make a friend, if not more of you like. Write, at the very least, four facts about the person." He then disappeared into his yellow sleeping bag, now looking like a yellow caterpillar with a man's face he was asleep on the floor. Great. I glanced around not really looking for anything, but I found myself with a green haired boy sitting in the empty desk in front of me now.

"Hi! My names Izuku Midoriya! What's your name?" I was shocked, why was he talking to me?! Did he not care what happened to him? "Uh, hi?" He repeated because I spaced out.

"Uh....why are you talking to me? Don't you remember what Justine said?" I asked leaning away from him.

"Oh......right." he looked down. "I-I-I'm sorry that happened." He then turned around not sure what to say.

Bokugou's POV

Damn! She's the first person, other than myself of course, who's ever pushed stupid Deku away. But.....somethings off? I stared at her for a while wondering to myself.

"Bokugou? Are you....smiling?" Raccoon eyes asked me.

"WHAT?! NO!! I DON'T SMILE!!!" I then calmed down and glanced at the girl again. She was looking at me as if expecting something. I didn't know what it was but I could see clear as day, she had no emotional response other than the slight confusion at my actions.

[y/n] POV

A boy next to me started yelling, but he settled down and looked at me. Was he one of Justin's little army? Must be. I waited to get attacked. Nothing happened, he just stared at me. He looked a little sad. I was confused. He must not be one of them if he's not attacking me.....hm.

After class I walked out of the class thinking I was ready for anything. Boy was I wrong. Justin pulled me away from the people and in the hall he slapped a hand across my face. "Who. Did. You. Speak with. This morning?"

"N-no no one!" I refused to tell.

He turned me around and raked a clawed hand across my back. I bent forward to get out of reach but instead of grabbing after me like usual he through a leg in front of me forcing me to fall to my knees.

[812 words.]

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