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A knock sounded at my door. "Are you in there [Y/n]?.... I'm coming in" Dabi said since I didn't answer. He opened the door. "Oh you are in here."

"What do you want?" I said into my pillow.

"I want to let you know that... I take back my offer to be your boyfriend. I admit we don't know each other very well and I kinda stepped between you and Hitoshi with out reason. But hey I'll be there if you need me. I looked up and saw him drop a note on the table next to the bed and then turn and leave. I looked over at the note and it seemed to be his number.

"Hmmm." I thought about that. I used my quirk to read Dabi's mind.

I really like her but shinsou would fall apart without her so I suppose I should get out of the way of a nice thing. No one could love me anyways.

Using my quirk I looked into his future and saw three beautiful baby's and Dabi was very happy.

"No love for you huh? We'll see about that~ I wander who will be their mother? Heh welp it's good to know he'll be happy.

I got up and went back out to the ball where shinsou was kinda just standing there staring at the ground. He looked up when he headed me. Some light coming back into his eyes. I stopped 4 feet in front of him. I used my quirk again, humming in my head, to see into Shinsou's thoughts.

I really fucked up telling her she was a whore. She was raped. I had no right to say such insulting words..... Her [e/c] eyes are so beautiful. She is so beautiful. I wander if [Y/n] even has any idea how beautiful she is. She's so sweet too. Fucking hell. I'm such an asshole for assuming shit. She'll never give me a second chance and I don't blame her.

"Can you stop- being so damn hot?" I quickly saved myself while cutting his thoughts off.

"Uh-?... I don't know? ... What?" He looked so confused.

"You're my boyfriend Hitoshi."

"What? But i-"

"But nothing. I love you. Come on I need cuddles." I said grabbing his hand.

"Heh, okay." He went with me to the room and we layed down and cuddled. "By the way... I love you too" he kissed my teample.

I couldn't help but enjoy it. He was like sunshine in my darkness. I hope we'll be together forever.

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