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We sat in the nurses watching as Justin was fixed up but still unconscious. I could tell Hitoshi still wanted to do more damage so I hugged his arm to slightly restraint him but also to distract him.

It was also comforting to know Hitoshi was here with me. I mean I know he was here to get his face healed but well he was still... helping me in a way, even though he wasn't doing anything. I once read that cats can be therapeutic. Well he's gotta be the biggest cat I know.

He seemed to notice me clinging to his arm when I squeezed a bit harder as I thought of petting him like a cat. He glanced over at me and watched my face. As he smiled I glanced up at him and saw this so I ducked and hid behind his arm.

Recovery girl finished healing Justin then she came over to us and gave us both a kiss on the cheek. Then Hitoshi got a bit more tired. I wasn't effected much cause I only had a small bruis.

He lied his head on my shoulder. "Think I'll beat the living shit out of him one more time before he's expelled." He glared at the unconscious half wolf boy.

We didn't notice Aizawa had walked in till he spoke up. "Too late. He'll be out of here before he can open his eyes." He came forward holding paperwork.
"[Y/n] just how long has this been happening to you?"

I didn't reply for a few minutes. "I-...he's never raped me before this year..."

"Don't defend him [Y/n]." He looked at me sternly. Not in a mean kind of way. Just a hard look so that I knew he ment business.

"....7 years." I avoided his eyes "Give or take"

Aizawa sighed. But I could feel Shin tense up next to me. He was clearly getting enraged again. "How about you two head home. Call it a day. Come back tomorrow. Relax a bit."

"No I'm fine. I already took a day for myself. I need to catch up on my grades now." I stated. The two men stared at me for a moment then Aizawa seemed to give up and Hitoshi just grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"If that's what you wanna do [Y/n]."

[395 words]

Sorry I know that was short. But I low key forgot where I was going with this so~ I made do with what I had left in the last chapter.

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