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In the morning I woke up cuddling
[Y/n]. We had fallen asleep late last night so I didn't want to bother her. I ran my fingers through her soft hair.

That's when I saw a bruise on her neck. Or. Or was that. I couldn't believe my eyes. I moved all her hair off her neck and gasped. Her neck was covered in hickeys. There was also black and blue bruises all over her.

[Y/n] POV

I woke up to Shinsou holding me close and staring at me with worry and conflict in his eyes. "What?" I asked.

"What happened...?" His husky voice wavered. I looked at myself and I started shaking and tears came to my eyes again. "[Y/n] what happened?" He asked again.

"Can I stay here today?" I asked.

"Yeah" he nodded. "Well I gotta get up and get going to school. I'll be back after school." He said then climbed over me and went got changed in the bathroom then left for school.

Shinsou's POV

Went to school in silence just thinking about what I saw this morning.

Today was quite. Nothing happened. It didn't seem Justin was here today. Witch was odd. The little asshole was here every day. Tsk whatever.

I had told Aizawa about [Y/n] staying home and all the bruises I saw. And he nodded and excused the absence. In class Izuku came up to me.

"Hey...do... how....is [Y/n] okay?? Have you seen her?" He asked.

"...yeah... she's... she's at home.... do you know anything?"

"I- no... sorry.." he then ran off.

Interesting. He seemed suspicious. Maybe he does know something but is too scared to say. Oh well.

After school I headed home and Went to my room where I found [Y/n] snuggled into my blankets. I smiled. "Hey [Y/n] I'm back home." She turned over and looked at me and I was cought be surprised I didn't expect her to be crying again.


All day I had been reliving the events from yesterday. Hitoshi's sent was helping me forget a little. But now I wanted him but he was at school. So I was just hopelessly tangling myself in his blankets crying. "Hey [Y/n] I'm back home." I heard him and turned over and looked at him. I was horny and it was getting worse as I had been imagining Hitoshi doing things to me . But not like what Justin did. Hitoshi would be caring, gentile if needed, he wouldn't hurt me. I stared at him standing in the door a bit shocked. I wiped my useless uncontrollable tears away.

"[Y/n]? Are you okay?" He asked slowly walking closer.

"Yeah sorry I'm fine...." I watched him.

"You sure?" He came over and sat on the side of the bed.

"I-...hmm.... .....why?" I sat up shuffling closer.

"Because you were in tears?" He kept eye contact with me and I admired his beautiful violet eyes that seemed to steer into my soul and know me to the depths of my heart. It was slightly scary but over all entrancing. I wander if he had a quirk.. I didn't I was just a regular person. And if I do have a quirk then I don't know what it is or how to use it.

I moved closer slightly leaning closer and I noticed he started glancing at my lips, that made me smirk. "Do you have a quirk shinsou?" My breath blowing into his face.

He took in a sharp breath and turned away, here we had been so close to kissing, it had caught me off guard. "I... my quirk..." he was sunkin almost looking ashamed. I stayed quiet, a bit confused. "My quirk is mind control" he choked out the words.

"...? That's really cool." Damn that's awesome.

"And now your ganna so how it's a villain quirk and how I can do anything I want and no one would know it was me huh? Cause obviously that's what anyone would do right?" He glared at the floor in front of him.

"Huh?? Why would I say that? Sure your quirk is awesome but it doesn't have to be used like that at all."

[713 words]

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