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Some Dabi x Reader now

When I woke up I was in a very dark room. I couldn't see anything. I sat up and looked around. The room was dark and I looked around for a second time doing a double take. The dark room was really nice. There was some expensive furniture, but the walls were painted black and black curtains were blocking the bright sun out.

I sat up from the bed and then saw a picture on the bed frame of a little boy with red hair hugging a boy with red Wings. It was cute. Then I froze when I saw that someone was cuddled up to my side asleep.

They had black hair and scars all over. Then suddenly he pulled me into his arms, forcing me to lay back down. "Uh!? Who are you?" I asked confused. "And how did I get here?"

"You were passed out in the girls bathroom at the high school... And... I kinda.... In a way... Kidnapped you..."


"Why?" He repeated confused. I looked up at this larger man and into his striking bright blue eyes.

"Yeah, why?" I said again.

His eyes narrowed. "Your not bothered by the fact that I kidnapped you but you wanna know why?"


".... Okay. Because. You were in the bathroom passed out. And your cute... " He admited.

"........huh... Okay then...." I continued stairing into his eyes for a long time. And he just stared back. His beautiful blue eyes seemed to be stairing into my soul. Then he started climbing on top of me, not breaking eye contact. "Who are you?"

"I could be anyone. Anything. I could be you're own personal hero. Or I could be so much more. What do you want me to be?" His sweet breath blew into my face.

"Well... Well... I don't know.... I don't really know you." I tore my eyes away from his and turned my head to the side. "What do you want from me?"

"...... I want you to want me to protect you and take care of you." He said before lowering all his wait down onto me and hugging me. His head using my boobs as pillows.

I blushed. "Just tell me your name." I said frustrated with the strang man.

"Most people call me Dabi... And a few call me Toya.... Call me what you want. Now come on let's go to school before we're late...."

"...." I waited for him to get off me. "Excuse me but you are laying on me."

"Oh.... Right... Heh." He got up and then went to a dresser and started stripping from his clothes and I turned over fast so not to see anything by accident. "Oh? Are you shy?" He came over to the bed.

"No! But you shouldn't be stripping in front of random girls!"

"Heh... Your not exactly random. Although you don't know me much. But anyways let's go to school." I turned back over and got up.

"Here you can borrow some of my sisters clothes. Although you seem to have small boobs so it might not fit right."

"EH!?" I hit him with the pillow on the bed. "SHUT UP!! BOOB SIZE DOESN'T ALWAYS MATTER!!" I grabbed the clothes and went to the bathroom in his room.

I came back out wearing this

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I came back out wearing this. And he was taking a selfie in the mirror in his room.

"so what the hell do my boobs being

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"so what the hell do my boobs being.... Small... Have to do with this outfit? Hmm?" I question him.

"Oh nothing I was just being an ass haha." He turned to look at me. "Although, the clothes aren't really my sisters. But it doesn't really matter were I got them."

"Well are they stollen?"

"No." He glared at me.

"Sorry just making sure." I said backing up. "Can we go?"

"Yeah. Follow me." He said before walking out of the room. I followed close behind.

It was nice not having to worry about going to Shinsou's house yet. But I'd have to get my stuff or leave it. Although I should get it before they throw my stuff away or sell it. Either way I need my stuff back. Sooner then later.

Suddenly Toya stopped and I ended up running into him. "Morning son." A man on the other side of Toya said.

"Morning father..." The man then walked by not seeming to see me. He was tall with red hair. I didn't like how this man showed his power. He was so intimidating. "Come now." Toya whispered to me and grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house.

I walked next to her not really paying attention to his hand that grasped mine and held on. I just silently walked with him to school. "You're so quiet." Toya stated.

"Oh... Yeah... Sorry. .... So what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Uhm... So... What's with you and that purple haired guy? You guys a thing or something?"

"Not anymore...." I got closer to Toya.

He seemed to notice you bad mood and turned and hugged me. "Sorry I shouldn't have asked. But hey. Just stick close to me. I'll take care of you. I won't let anyone hurt you."

"Okay..." Iso I stayed close to his side now hugging his arm.

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