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Warning for whole story: cursing; self harm; abuse; and I think that's all T^T

I woke to my mom yelling at me from down stairs for me to get up. "I'm alive!"
"That's not what I asked! . . .but I suppose it works." She yelled up to me.
I ground and got up and while looking for something comfortable to wear I yelled back to my mom, "hey! What's the deal with waking me up so early?!"
"You've got school! And if you don't get ready fast enough I won't drive you there!"
"Oof . . ." I got dressed in my uniform, brushed my teeth and brushed my [h/l], [h/c] hair. Then I stared into my [e/c] eyes through the mirror and thought about putting on eyeliner, I did.
When I got down stairs in a rush my mother was nowhere to be found. "She left without me! She does this EVERY year! (Sorry I love Ice Age) Oh well guess I'll walk." I left the house and locked the door. While walking I noticed someone in front of me a few houses they were wearing the same gray uniform. I ran up to them. "Hi! I'm [y/n] are you going to UA also?" (Also sorry but the there is no such thing as a hero course, but there are still quirks so. . .ya)
"What's it to you?" He had Purple hair that was messy and all over the place except in his face that is. He didn't look at me while talking and so I stayed quiet. After a few minutes of it being awkward I raced ahead.
At UA I walked the halls wandering if anyone was gonna be here from my last school. If so, I'm screwed. Not noticeing that the halls had filled up with students I keep walking and thinking to myself. I walked into a hall and I noticed the purple hair guy was there. I smiled at him, but he didn't seem to notice.
"Hey bitch!" I jumped recognizing the voice. "Ya you! Get over here bitch!" I quickly walked over to Justine. "Hey~ how was your summer? I hope it was nice because this will be the worst year of your life." He laughed to himself while I cringed under his arm. He grabbed my hair and pulled so that my neck arched back. "Hey guys look! This whore! Thought she could kiss me and get away with it!" I gasped so he gave my hair a yank. Then a green haired boy in the crowd gasped but covered his mouth probably trying not to get any attention. "Everyone! This is my bitch so stay away from her or you'll get the shit beat out of you!"
He then let go of my hair and through me forward, I stumbled and fell to my knees trying not to cry. I stood up and looked at the floor. "Leave before you regret it." He growled. I ran to the next hall and realized I was crying. I found an empty bathroom and sat in there and sobbed all day. Then the bell for lunch rang and I got up because I was hungry. I dried my eyes I looked in the mirror and realized my makeup was smudged. I washed all the eyeliner off and before leaving the bathroom I checked to see if the cost was clear.
"So that's where you've been! Get over here bitch!" I froze. I turned and ran the other direction. When turning I ran head long into someone. When I pulled away from there chest to see who it was I already had tears in my eyes. It was the fluffy purple hair guy I was talking to this morning. He seemed shocked. I looked back to see Justin coming towards me angrily. "Hey you! Grab that girl! And give her to me!"
I gasped and duck under his arm and ran as fast as I could because I didn't know his quirk and I'm hoping he's not fast, assuming he's listening to Justine, and chasing me. I hid in another bathroom for the rest of the day.
After school I left the bathroom a little later after the bell rang and I was sure everyone had left. I left and started walking home. When I happened apon someone in the same uniform as me walking home I yelped. I walked past them and when I realized it was purple floof I wasn't sure what to do. My phone rang. I jumped and got it out of my pocket and answered. "Hey dear. How was school?"
"Why are you calling I'm heading home right now?"
"Well. . .I'm not home. And I'm not going to be for about a week."
"Ya. . .so I just wanted to check up on you. You'll be fine. Oh I need to go! I love you and i hope you have lots of fun! I'll call you the day I come home! Bye."
At this point I was standing frozen in place from shock and suddenly feeling very alone. I realize I had been ahead of purple floof before stopping and he hasn't passed me yet. I turn my head slightly to see if he's behind me, and he is but he looks . . .is he concerned? I put my phone away and dash home. That was weird, why would anyone be concerned about me? Especially after what Jusin had spouted. When I get home I fell asleep on the couch.
In the morning I woke up before it was time to, but I got ready anyways.

[938 words.]

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