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A while later I was walking out of school with Shinsou on one side of me and Toya on the other.

"[Y/n]... I'm.... I'm really sorry for misunderstanding.... And I'm hoping you can forgive me."Shinsou spoke.

"And if she can't?" The two stopped walking and glared at each other. I turned around and looked at them.

"But you see. I center forgive him. He just didn't understand what he saw when he saw Charlie kissing me." I stated the fact.

"Aaaannnd speaking of a Charlie~~" I heard Charlie say and then I felt arms around me as he leaned down and put his chin on my shoulder.

"..... Get off me."

"And if I don't?" He questioned so I back handed him. "Ow!" He got off me. Suddenly I was pulled against Dabi as shinsou threw a punch at Charlie but missed. "What the hell!?" He had only missed cause Charlie ducked. "Why did you try to punch me!?"

"Because you fucking kissed my girl! And made me think she was cheating on me!" I was just hugging Dabi as shinsou went after Charlie.

"I didn't know she was taken! She didn't say she was!"

"Don't make this my fault! You never asked if I was taken!" Anger flaired threw me. It was his fault for this whole misconception after all. I pulled out of Dabi's arms and shoved past Hitoshi and pushed Charlie back. "Stay away. You've been too touchy. I'm taken!... Or I was..."

"Well you're not anymore so what does it matter? Come one let's go hang out at my place. I can make you taken again~"

"NO!" I raised my voice and shoved him back again and then blue fire made a half ring around in front of me, making Charlie jump back farther. I hummed a big of a song and read his mind.

Fuck I just wanted to lure her in so I could use her quirk to my hearts content. She could bring down the world and made everyone her slave. I just want to be the one controlling her so that I'm the right side and getting everything I want.

I froze in shock. I didn't ever realize just how much unlimited power I had at my fingers tips. I smiled at him with a crazed look. "Thank you for making my quirk more clear. I didn't ever know I was that strong." I started singing.

(I'm not sure if the video is working but you sing "I don't really care" by Demi Lovato feat. Cher Lloyd.)

I used my quirk to make me strong enough to use my quirk without a dizzy spell or a migraine. And then I made Justin materialize in the side of me.

"Huh!?" I ignored him and continued singing. I felt the power and anger surge through me as I used Toya's quirk to burn Justin to ashes. And then I used my quirk to put the ashes back together and then he was alive again. "GUH!?" I then punched him in the face and when my hand came back bloody I healed it and shoved Justin back into the place I stole him from.

I then stopped singing and turned to Charlie and whispered. "Forget me and my quirk ever existed."

"Who- who are you?" He looked confused and I put my arm around his shoulders and turned and grined back at the two boys who had witnessed everything.

They were just standing there looking bewildered. "What the hell just happened?" Dabi said.

"Let's go somewhere else and I'll tell you. In the mean time. You can go now Charlie." He walked away eyeing the three of us questioning but eventually left. "Anyone wanna live with me?" I asked. Shinsou looked confused knowing I didn't have a home. I had been couch surfing since we had broke up.

"Hell yeah I do." shinsou glared back at Dabi.

"I will too." Shinsou said.

"Oh. Okay. Well follow me. We can talk in the house I just made." I went to them and turned around and grabbed their hands and dragged them to the mansion house a few blocks away and we walked up the driveway and into the house. I let go of their hands nervously. "So what happened was Charlie made it undeniably clear to me just how much power I hold...."

"And how much power is that?" Dabi asked.

"I can kill and bring people back to life. That's what I just did to Justin before sending him back to where I took him from. I made this house. I could cut this very earth in half if I wanted to."

"Wow... You really.... Your a goddess." Dabi whispered.

".... Well... I don't care what your quirk is. Will you be mine again [Y/n]? I love you so very much. And I'm sorry I misunderstood." I looked up at the purple floof who was staring at the floor.


"Please say no." Dabi said from the other side of me as we just stand in the hallway.

"Shut up, its not your choice." Shinsou stated.

"Be my girlfriend."

"Eh? Both of you? But I... I... Yeah I don't know what to say. I can't date both of you." I ran to my room and closed the door behind me as I rolled around and his under my pillow. It was a huge bed in a big fancy room. I was proud of my craftsmanship. It was very beautiful and every room in the mansion was equally beautiful and unique.

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