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(Yes that's my cat)

Shinsou's POV

I was walking to school when I saw the [h/c] haired girl that talked to me yesterday morning and also ran into me. She was exiting her house it seemed. I walked pretending I didn't just see her, but I walked slowly kind of hoping that she would catch up and walk with me.

[y/n] POV

I walked out of my house sad that I had to endure another day of Justin. Why can't I just stay home? My eyes were dry and hurt from crying so much yesterday. But in the just of me finding out I had cursed luck I lost my emotions. The emotions I had so desperately gripped hold of over the summer. The emotions that were tossed so deliberately to the wolves. I walked in silence for a while. I realized I was walking next to someone when they spoke up.

"So....what's up with you?" A floofy haired boy asked from next to me. I glared in his direction. "Okay, so I could have done something about that Justin guy chasing you."

"Ya, ya, as if anyone would ever, don't act like my friend..." I walked faster.

At school I stood at the doors and took a deep breath, then walked in. Inside I glanced around and noticed no one was really around except for a red head with hair spiked in every direction on one side, and on the other was a purple headed guy with orbs on his head. I walked in slowly. "Hey! Your [y/n], right?" The red head asked. I shuddered.


"Nice to meet you! I'm Kirishima. By the way sorry about that guy yesterday, he's a real jerk" he glanced around. "Well um I would offer to protect you but I'm kind of in a pickle and I am actually headed home for today....so,see ya tomorrow?"

"Uh......okay, whatever you say." I said with no care because there's just no way he would. He left after that with a gentile but sympathetic smile.

I walked into the school and hid in the girls restroom. I sat in the corner of the bathroom under a sink and waited for the bell to start class. After a bit I heard a familiar voice and I was frozen with the words he spoke.

"Go in there and see if [y/n] is in there! If so~ bring her out."

Then there where footsteps and I braced myself for what was to come. A girl walked in and saw me. She smiled, walked over to me, and while I tryed staying out of her hands she caught hold of my elbow and yanked me out of my hidy hole. She dragged me out and grinned at Justine and shoved me forward. "Here she is."

As soon as she let go I sprung out of reach of them and ran as fast as my feet could carry me. As I ran down the hall I could hear Justine cursing and yelling while some of his little group and himself charged after me. "You can run and you can hid but you can't do ether forever!"

I reached my class and went in trying to slow my puls and breathing.

"What happened to you?" A tall man dressed in black, looking particularly tired, with long black hair asked me.

"Uh...nothing!" I through a huge fake smile at him, "just excited to learn!" He blinked at me a few times then turned around and went back to talking to a pink haired and skinned person and explained something to her.

I sat down at a desk and waited.

About an half an hour later class started and everyone was in their seats. The teacher Izawa said we explained to every one what the rules for his class was. He then slipped into a yellow sleeping bag and proceeded to lay down behind his desk, on the foor.

Everyone started to chatter with eachother, I sat silently debating the best escape from the class to lunch and back.

To those who started following THANK YOU!!! I am not new to wattpad but I am to publishing my work on it so thank you for your support!

Also I wrote this at 2 in the morning due to feeling inspired.

[729 words.]

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