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I gasped at the new found pain in my knees. I glanced behind me to see Justin loosing control over his quirk. His quirk was werewolf. I got up and ran for the sake of my well being and health. Out the doors Justine looked normal except for the ears and tail along with the unusual long claws. He clamped one clawed hand into my shoulder. I yelped and ripped myself out of his grasp. My shoulder and back now in searing pain I ran for the life of me towards home.

Thank fully I was able to get out of sight of Justin on my way. I walked for a while finding myself unaware of my surroundings. "Are you alright?!" The purple haired boy jogged over to me.

"Ya. I'm fine." I said in a monotone voice and ignored his concern.

He stopped me by standing in front of me. "Hey!" He grabbed my arms and shook me like I was in a daze. "Stop! Your not being emotionless! Your just hiding your emotions or worse your just bottling it up! So stop!" He stopped shaking me and looked down into my eyes. I started right back confusion was all I had. "What?"

"Why....why are you......doing this?" I asked trying to remain monotone but he was breaking through my barrier of emotions.

"What do you mean why?........your hurt!" He turned me around and examined my back. "Do you have a phone?"

"No.Why?" I yellped as he gently touched a place on my back. I had stupidly forgotten my phone at home this morning.

"What's your parents number?"

"My mom's number?...oh! No. She can't! I mean she is gone right now!"

"What? Okay then.....get on." He had turned away from me and crouched down.

"What?! No!"

"Just do it! I don't want you passing out before I can get you fixed up! And walking is just ganna cause you to loose more blood. So, Get on." I grumbled to myself as I got on his back. He stood up and hooked his arms under my knees, while i put my arms around his neck. He was surprisingly comfortable. I looked around and enjoyed my new height.

"So....where are you ganna take me?"

"My home." I snuggled my head into his neck.

"Your warm." I breathed into his neck.

"Uh, y-yeah." He mumbled and I realized he'd become even more warm. I glanced up at his face to find him blushing. Does he like me? Nah, probably normal.

"So... why are you being so nice to me?"

"Because you clearly needed it." He said.

"What's your name?"

"Shinsou....and you?"

"[y/n]. So... you like helping people much?" I asked

"Well, [y/n] you're actually the first I've helped so far." He smiled, even though he doesn't seem the type to do it often around strangers.

[484 words.]

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